15.a strange dream

After i came back home a i spent some time with my family and in some days I had s dream a strange one I woke up on a empty world nothing except water soil and me walking aimlessly at a point i found a large mass of water i dropped a drop of my blood to see what wood happen and as i looked at the drop hit the water the whole lake became neon blue and as i kept looking i observe as from my blood amphibious lifeforms formed that eaten each other and grown to become huge and some small and agile after some time they started to walk on the grass that took the color of red and grew everywhere me not that focused on my surroundings observed the growth and life of this things these new lifeforms, as time passed by they're species split in more different versions of each other , some took a pack like mentality while some become alfa predators of they're own defines after few millenia if i may guess a bypededle species form from all the others a leader choose and celebrated , one after another the strongest and smartest lead the new species to victory or devowerd many tribes as such individual joined together due to the more animalistic Alfa's hunting the week humanoid yet social members of they're base species they developed tools were the primal ones developed sharper body parts for combat they retained they're intelligence even in those primal forms after another long cycle of hunting improving and devowering the planet got attacked by some green skinned humanoid but as the invaders landed on the planet the inhabitants seaside they're mundane squabbles in exchange for some exotic pray as such they scavenged the ships of the invaders and made they're own take of them the primal breeding living ship's and the more humanoid ones mechanical ones in this time i was siting on a bench next to me was too pares of individual too male's and too females both they're apex of they're species they showed up next to me wen the stalemate between the to forms has happened as such i asked them what they coll them self's the too predators named themselves as Evolus and Slasha respectively and the other too the humanoid ones wore Named Strictus and Ordasia after they manifested their saw me as they're progenitor due to my actions this world made sentient species they're forms allweise evolving yet similar to the first they're worshipers allweise growing conquering and evolving they wore made to be worshiped and as such they kept changing and wen they arrived at the point of extinction they manifested and helped they're ever changing and advancing children and food , as time went by i witnessed they're start ,i witnessed they're end and they're mark on the words that i saw as they're history unfolded before me the four gods oldest among the deities of they're kind as such the strongest, after the end of they're charges I asked them if they want to be broth with me to witness my story as it unfolds , they accepted as such i made a egg out of my void energy beeing the easiest to use in my dream's four eggs appeared next to my sleeping form in the waking world each of them different colours one black , second wight , third red and the fourth grey they ware the size of my cocoon wen I first gained my form in this world, after some discussion in the dream I felt that they're previous names will need to be changed due to the things that happened there have become a separate universe wen I will woke up so I woke up after i hid my and they're tracks to my original world .

I was in bed with fore eggs they all started to cracking wen I saw them , as they emerged they kept the resemblance of their previous self's but in a kid sized body and shape for imps like locking children quite cute to be honest they're base form reminding me of the four doom riders Death, War, Pestilence and Famine as such i named them as such the too females Death and Famine waile the boys War and Pestilence they were curious at the start but then they loked they're gazes on me and started asking me many questions from what am I coled to if they're choices wore right in they're previous life I gave them the answer that i thought that they needed i carried them with my scarf until i decided how to dress them as such i made them flufy inlaide clothing with temperature runes to keep them from changing a cold to heat stroke , after which i meet with my family and friends telling them they are my adoptive kids and they're names that gave them a bit of a surprise that they accepted them they acted like proper kids of their supposed looks and introduced them as such after some time i broth them home and started teaching them about what they are allowed to do an never to attempt to do , along side training and teaching the monster magic the growth kept going i made short work of who to never pis off in any universe acording to my lectures and memories during this time The death from Harry world joined them under the name of Mort ,meaning death in France i think , after some years they hit they're maturity an took the aspects of they're names seriously War grew to look like a oni Jony Bravo with the strength to show , Pestilence took a old costume of the plague Doctor and modified it to fit him with some upgrades he became a nerd with dedly tolls while Famine kept a good care of her weight and became a slender beauty that can evade any attack and retaliate with grate precision, she got the hobby of coking for all the of us , and death leaned as many ways to restrain and torture enemies so much and with so much less than a few wound that do not pose any detrimental to they're bodies except mentally that is wishing for true Death to come and save them , after they reached they're first barrier in they're growth i allowed them to wander the world of Undertale the surface one that is , oh they grow so fast they're got so big in five year as such i gifted them with they're favorite weapon and inchanted clothing, they broth wrechaning apone the wicked and sinful they obviously learned the judge profession from me with the visit from sans to check up on it time passed on and after a few years a big reunion of them full family happened , talking of different things and having a good time in general after a few more days i prepared myself and my kids for a new world travel holiday.