16.Meeting the original's creations

As we walked thru the portal we found that we are in weight and golden hallway with a blue humanoid with no mouth floating through the hall

i felt some kind of connection forming and I allowed it to happen as it did the creature questioned me who am I and way did i arrive in they're base of operations on the frozen planet that they inhabited , after some mental chatter guards came and escorted us to the main deck of the base were i met a femeale of they're species from which i asked and got the basics of their situation, the zerg arrived on this planet some time before them and they're still fighting each other , I told them that i and my companions can help if they reserve us a zerg main building for studying alive with the brood mother to get what i wanted , they agreed if I do a armistice with them to not hinder the research of one anather after we made the deal Sys made it binding, surprising the protos during they're mental chat Sys told me of the newly awakened energy in my body is changing and advancing my mental faculties as such i surprised them wen my energy was unlisted and reinforced the contract remaining inactive in each others body till we make a foul of the deal.

Me and my four companions dressed up for the occasion with subzero resistant armour for the four and normal clothing for me due to my frost demon heritage I am comfortable in this weather

we got the main hive cluster and wenever the ice storm's hit we attacked and killed the zerg under the control of the brood mother not allowing her to escape we captured her and isolated her from the hive getting it into a feral state the protos eliminated everything except the main hive and the brood mother that got isolated from them by my blue flames I took her soul out of her body and learned everything that I needed after which i went to the hive and plunged my hand in it after i cut my palm ,the structure absorbed my blood and I got a connection with it as it happened the creep around us turned into blue grass like material still connected between all its parts but now it looked more pleasing to the ayes the hive building started to gather into a point and forming a cocoon from which a large femeale of zerg form emerged large muscles a spider like abdomen on her lower half with zones were larva can be discharge wen we are holding a zone for a base or generating directly the eggs from were the useful minions will emerge , having too sets of arms one like humanoids but with armor to help herself to some crystals and her tale to harvest vespin gas whenever she sits down she borrows her legs and speeds the grass lands that randomly generate plant like nods that bare fruit and extend the grass further slowly gathering resources for the Hive Mother to hold her own in battle if it arises her second pare of hand imitate , the ones of the spine crawlers but with more armor and sharp parts , it does not need drones due to her own capability to harvest resources sometimes getting help wen the base is grounded but nothing more the rest of the time she modifies or improves the current units , in case of her death or the need for more of her type she can generate specialised larva for such a chase the larva can be discharge even if the Hive Mother is in the process of dying after the larva exists its progenitor it will borrow underground until it will be called telepathically by a hair level of intelligent zerg , after the protos observed the drastic changes of the hive cluster into a Hive Mother they didn't wait long until they asked me to meet they're leaders in hopes that i may help get they're home planet back due to the queen of blade's purification the zerg went into a frenzy of devowering all the necessary supply to grow and survive, some of them got taken over by some faction or another and they keep a hold on they're planet as such he proposed that my different zerg that I renamed to Hex due to my fixation with cool names and present forms on the aye they help me gather the resources to make a leviathan to travel to they're homeward it looked similar to a wight Dragon that has blue and wight armor on it the armor providing protection and entry points and its mouth as the control center were a protos delegate told me what I needed to know about the swarm on they're planet and what tactics I should expect , during the flight to they're planet a few forces attempted mental taking over my Hex but the only result being they're screams of madness and terror at all the memories I have stolen from mental patients in all the worlds I went thru after I learned the mental magic from the Harry's World, all the Hex under my command have been given mental faculties similar to my own to practice the magic arts from the world i visited getting Amon to scream in terror is quite therapeutic you know , and after i figure out were that obelisk that saved Charigan is i will open the way to him so that i may consume him and his followers, as we reach Aiur i think , wen we aproched it Arthanas and the dark templar met us on my Leviathan, they recognised a similar power to the sworm cursing thru it and asked who they broth to they're homeward, they let me explain.

Manuel: Greathing and salutations I am Osirus a humble Hex we are relatives of the swarm and yet different all the individual in this Leviathan is connected yet they retain they're individually we desire to help you and in the end help awerselfs to the feast on the planet under us we will not ruin the planet but cleanse it and enjoy disturbing the plans of they're master's, why don't we make a contract to make aware life's easier?

F. Protos: He speaks the truth about the contract he did on the planet he emerged from and did not hinder us he can be trusted, but let me warn you Arthanas the contract is binding like one of the oaths we do, so be vigilant.

Arthanas: so be it I shall do one of this contract with you and by extension all your subordinates if you can cleanse my people's home from the vile cloches of the swarm I Arthanas and the protos under me shall not interfere with your goal if they don't bring harm to my people.

Manuel: And it shall be done.

After i said such fragment from the armor covered Dragon like Leviathan fall on they're home hitting the oceans and after a few minutes from the sees emerge millions upon millions of small deadly insects that worked together to gobble up all the zerg leaving the natural inhabitants alone leaving no stone unturned following all the mental energies to they're host and eating it afterwards as this happened all the protos on they're ship's saw a wave of Hex inghulfed they're planet for a few days after which they all gathered up at a large lake were all those hex started eating each other until one remained growing and gaining autonomy until it reconnected to the Hex Hive Mother and as that happened , Manuel lower the Leviathan and opened its mouth to absorbed any Hex remaine from the promotion ritual that happened on that lake along with the new companion of they're huge family of Hex , the four adoptive kids got placed in the evolution chamber to be enhanced during waile they control Hex for training and recreation purposes, the Dragon Leviathan was larger then a normal Leviathan with huge wings , in the scented of it hoisting a large lake of getecly made bacteria that hold mental energy acting as a secondary mind from which i and any Hex can pool power from the bacteria go through the vanes of the Leviathan and reinforce it waile the excess energy is funneled into usefull things like reinforcing it or evolving new Hex i though of giving it sentience but got stopped by Sys and got the idea to make a mental energy Avatar for her , as such she became the interface and manager of my Leviathan while still doing her job as system, she funneled the unwanted energy into herself and used it as we seen it fitting, as the Aiur was freed we left the atmosphere and got on ower way to the terrain home planet to get some stuff i desired after some directions and pleasantries the protos made a final contract now that they know the horror filled power that we have they made a armistice between the hex and protos to help each other if they can or require anithing from each other after the contract i warned them that they're chala will bring they're downfall if not separated from the void were the old gods reside and plot , they took note of my worsening and started the unification of protos to prepare for Amon as Zeratul encouraged.