23.Tale in the gas station.

I exited thee portal in the woods, as I arrived I saw things moving in the dark from yokai to fantasy monsters, I walked and killed the more dangerous ones I saw a gas station and changed my appearance to a tall but normal looking human with a mummy-style straight jacket unlocked and dangling as I move it was fully covered in fluffy fur mimicking my own in my base form but the colour of it was black with purple tattoos I walked towards it and entered it I saw a guy dressed as a simple cashier he was transcribing some stuff on his laptop he moved his head slowly toward me his eyes ware filled with black circles on black circles he's eyes went wide as he noticed my outfit and said that does not look right the guy before he may be wearing a mummy straight jacket but his face does not seem hostile jack said in his mind, I began to slowly ask him of any supernatural things that happen and he told me of his adventures after his chat I asked him if he wants to sleep and he told me he wood love to so I gave him a pillow with the power to make anybody sleep and told him that the curse of this pillow is it's too fluffy for antibody to not love it so keep it safe got it, after he got his hands on it he has fallen completely asleep as he was working he follen on the floor with the pillow on the back of his head and a few minutes later a guy enterd the gass station he was a Jerry looking he saw me on the table facing the floor, You there were is Jack my coworker, and I responded by pointing towards his coworker, uhh ok, and he worked toward we're I pointed and he got surprised to see his sleep starved friend sleep blissfully after some minutes of watching a customer enterd and saw too people watching something on the floor, the police officer asked what was going on Jerry told her that we are looking at a sleeping jack she looked at my clothes and asked me if I am from some insane Institute and told her that this is a stylistic choice and that this flufy ware that I bare is mimiking my own wen I am not like them and pointed to Jerry, they are stuck here but I am free and gave a pillow made out of my fluff and cursed it with 8 howers of blissful sleep do make sure he does not starve by sleeping on it over and over with no food or work done understood miss sheriff but to make your job a bit easier have this, and handed her a gun made out of demiron with runes to gather power from the atmosphere or you know you can plug it into a electricity soket with this charger tho houwers of charges gives you 120 shots, they grant excruciating pain to any creatures that get hit, and heals them , it dose never let someone go unconscious so be shore to not shoot any of your frends if they are not fatality injured because someone hit by this weapon will withe in agony for enoth time to get another hit in got it mis, anyway Jerry grab , and i thru at him a silvar bat with the same ability as the pistol but with no need to be charged , never ever hit one of your friends that silver demon is a sadist and the best healer in the universe I got the original from a world were the evil guy became a teacher and exelled at it with this weapons that are replicas of it, as I polled a silver mace with ainchent scripts on it that glowes black and purple, you see this cutie is the original and the most sadistic demon of many universes and my favorit weaponn and friend i can distinguish any sin from any creature I see anyway now that you guys are here I am going hunting for dead things so take care we may never meet agen you guys age too fast for my likening bye, Jerry waved at me and the police woman started to poke his happy sleeping face and saw the fluffy pillow she shrugged and told Jerry to move Jack in the back wee is safe and man the cashier post untill he wakes up , and we he did he felt the best and sweet sleep no strange thing happened for the duration of his sleep due to my interference and protection and as his sleep was going on beasts got wacked and screams theyr sorrow full existence at the mercy of my silver mace, they learned by pain and suffering as my silver demon enjoyed herself the too humans didn't exit the gass station after the 8 lowers i left to the dead dark got and transplanted his eternal soul into a human hex with dried and teeent genetic information mixed with his former body after that I went hunting for his former employ and captured him for him after that I helped him get some influence over the town and after that I killed some demon named sevagoth or something he was too unhinged to be reasoned with as such death was his fate , after that I went on a multiverse exterminator job insects be dammed I saved some people during the extermination after words i took off towords home after eliminating some evil forces in Jaks world with its guardians in toe i gave them some magicle tools as goodbye present and i enterd my portal.