24.skills tools and energies

After I arrived home I asked Sys for my status and stuff as I said that she listed all my tangible abilities and skills.

[skills acquired from the moment of emergence ]

Energy Master allows ease of use to all energies depending on their rarity.

Magic Master grants a greater use with less power.

Viral lordis allows one's cells to act like viral agents making one's body like a logia devil fruit user without the saltwater weakness.

Weapon Master grants ease of use of any weapon not including micelenius objects.

Flames of Alchemy, Grants flames that can change matter at the level of atoms to gane other materials rarer the material more energy used.

Shape-Shifting grants the ability to change one's body at its will.

Monster cooking grants the ability to make food imbued with internal energies to grant it healing or any effect depending on the intention of the individual.

Psychic or mental energy allows various users depending on its application like mental bridges used as translates different entities.

Pain nullification grants ease of movement whenever in hay levels of pain.

Universal fabric, a blue material that changes according to the need of its owner.

Agony a silver bat, a sentient weapon that is so sadistic that its power developed to keep its prey alive and in constant agony and torment as it follows one master immune to its effects.

Atrocity is a marble wight Mace infused with seven seeds of divinity granting its owner knowledge strength and durability as it circulates its powers in its owner's body to increase its power as it changes it to its needs of slather and purge of evil and sin.

Juggernaut grants the ability to instinctively feel and see sin and evil intent as it increasing its owner's damage agents them.

Words of power allow the wilder to give descriptions to object that he is in contact with as long it is not sapient or self-aware items.

Aldridge grants the holder of this skill the proficiency of esoteric and supernatural abilities after devouring the flesh of other species of monsters and monstrosities that hunt and kill without reason, you should be filled with unstoppable hunger pains due to this skill but you are immune to it due to the skill Pain nullification.

Crafting allows its owner holder a greater proficiency with tools used for the goal creation of things.

Death bringer makes the holder of this skill survive in war or dangerous situations granting an intransitive knowledge of one's surroundings to the best way to kill and protect others depending on the situation.

Void lord grants the owner of this little the recognition of the Void good that has taken an interest in the wilder of his powers by name.

Dream master amplifies the use of dream energy while easing its difficulty of use.

Overmind is granted to the successor of the original from the world of Starcraft.

The demon lord grants the aspects of the demon lord called Osirus and access to the abyss as a half-demon.

Boss Monster, allows the one that holds this title is immortal until he bestows this title to their offspring.

Inevitable makes one's actions inevitable but never unstoppable due to the intrinsic of fate and chaotic order of the universe showing the predictability of one's actions.

Universe hopper grants ease of movement between different dimensions and universes.

Glory and Absolution affect the way people see and react to the holder of this title.

Virus Lord grants complete control over the viruses found in the body of the holder of this title.

Divinity vessel, allows someone to hold and use divinity while holding the source of it.

Inventory a space detached from anything other than you, it can hold anything in the same state it enterd, any living thing that enters it will be expelled or die in the time that they are in it.

Mental fold allows multiple forth with the same strength as the original one, they can work together to superior results.

And after she told me of my more used skills and titles I was not surprised but got interested by the void guy who is watching me maybe I will do him a visit later and took a while to recognise that I am in my full form as such I relaxed in it looking at the Blue Moon covered by Hex and a nice atmosphere.

The Hex test their bodies until they expire and then make new ones stronger and better than the former, made in different aspects from speed to strength and endurance types with no malicious intent only to enjoy their vacations on different planets we sell ower mercenaries as peacekeeping forces due to ower perceived inevitability of capturing any criminal with a bounty we adapt and don't stop until we capture all the misguided individuals we made some organizations for kids that ware abandoned and got thoth the necessary life lessons to survive in the outside world at least the one, not under the ower influence, there ware some attempts to destroy the planet but they got gobsmacked when it reformed itself a few hours later and retaliate by the largemouth that formed on it and are them.

News spread of the moon turned Living planet and its regeneration capability, no mortals died due to the Tecno moon satellite that orbits it with the non-hex connected sentient life, well no hostile ones anyway.