25.To DC

As I arrived in the dc universe the heroes arrived in front of the portal where I exited, I dint make sure that the psychics could not intercept my arrival as such the whole justice league was in front of me from the Batman to the Man Hunter, as I walked they got tense and I dispersed my form as they all saw me walk the temperature around them got colder and colder until frost started to form they not having any target moved away from the portal martian manhunter felt my mind power and attempted to lock on it only to widen his eyes as he screamed and fallen to the ground as he saw in his mind flames covering him, Batman felt his suit hit up and burst in blue flames he got trapped in a bat-mummy full-body straight jacket with the fluffy exterior, Superman tried to track me with his sight but he only saw small amounts of viruses that surrounded the area including them all they ware breathing my virus as it enterd them all terror spread in their minds and after some minutes of soul and moral strengthening waile leting my virus evolve in constant battel with the imune sistems of the kriptonian, ciborg and Marcian , colecting some genetic material i re asmilated them and pitet them agents eachother in my body refining themselfs for my benefit sheding theyre  weakneses in the process after they awaken they ware more in control of themselfs they all lerned of theyre weaknesses and the proper way to use theyre powers , the boy scout lened how to fight properly, man hunter got himself the ability to overcome his fears and persevier , the princess lerned of her heretege and needs , ciborg lerned of the boom box in his body waile flash got the consequences of his powers in check waile i prepered a tabel filled with food, monster food  they lerned of myself the aspects that i represent and they olso lerned of my partner the silver bat and how easily i can defeat them with it , as such they came and ate with me chating about difrent things wat the future holds for them and how i came here only to gather some exotic geenes for myself to improve some aspects of myself they also lerned of my knolege of theyre identity and the second reson i came here beeing a vacation after wich i went and gatherd some vilens i enjoyed waching in the past geting miself a magicle bus i extracted them from wath they ware doing at theyr time , from the joker , Lex , Dark side , yellow flash and Ares they all wached my full form driving the bus thrue the planets they atempted to hurt me but they got in line as i made them aquainted with by silver bat they tolked of wais to insnare me in theyre plans but wenever they atempted to use the bat agents me they felt the pain insted of me joker realised wat i was due to his super sanity unknown to the others he enjoyed his time with me the moast waile Darkside did not enjoy at all his time with me we visited all the lantern corpse they all lerned of theyre existences some rings atemted to bond with them but i denied them with a tool of my making well with the help of sis that is , a silver band on theyr rist to keep them safe and unchapable to make troble for anyone untill i let them go joker lerned of his alternative counterparts and dark side ganed the knolege of his fate to the hands of his adoptive son he lost his intrest and started to ponder his purpes and new goals like unithing with his counterparts in difrent universes to resurect himself , the god of war saw the aline wars and enjoyed them i made a picnic on the roof of my bus waching lives die and victories joker made dark puns and saw his duings as insignificant but still his life will go on and his job as well , the yellow flash just saw new things new powers and new horizons he didnt change that much the only question he had was how did i capture him , his mind may be fast but ist made like the normal humans so a loop can stop him untill i cuffed him waile darkside may be strong and imune or rezistent to my ability but once he realised thst he cant hurt me he gave up and folowed me begrudgingly, the rest was simple mind controling virus is still strong and even beter then before , as thirtheen dais passed i gave them a ride to theyre homes lex lerned directly from me that if he wants power he needed to atop his obsesion with the boy scout and get himself his original way to overshadow his nemesis and enjoy his life i told him of the side effects of the kryptonite on humans after the jurny with the villens i visited the kent farm supergirl saw me and i spared with her in my human form but wat she saw in me was a mess of cells and organs in contenius movement her heat ray didnt do as much damege as she expected i enjoyd the spar and as she got tierd i daried her to the house were miss and mister kent wached the intercation we chated and superman arived from work .

He saw me and waved at me after a few moments he explained who am I and that I cane to visit we chatted for a bit healed the elderly kent I went to bruce manner and chated with bruce got some sweets for his Butler acter I heald him I went to hidden Iceland when I stepped on it I got flung off it but the second time I step on it I was without gender as such immune to its spells as I saw the womon on the Iceland hostile to the invaders but as I smacked all the ones who attacked me with a silver bat Diana saw me and covered her eyes while I waved at her she stopped her sisters and introduced me they ware still wary of me but not overly hostile due to the ones that got hit by me ware healed of their former ills impeding their combat prowess after I met the queen I went to the flash and then man hunter living cyborg a gift a nanotech package with the most useful things I made living it with him when he was recharging his battery, afterwords I went home.