28.Billy, Mandy, Grim and other stuff

After some time home, I opened another portal and enterd it in my human for with my standard clothing of black full-body fluffy mummy straight jacket as I exited the portal I saw a town I felt the large death energie that was glowing like a beacon in a house in that town I kept a distance for a few hours and then followed the trio a skeleton with a sith a boy with a big nose and a blond girl that emanates pure unalterable Hatred they ware not aware of me for some time as the too kids went to school I met the skeleton he was surprised at my essence he felt my immortality and he asked me what in the name of all and mighty ma I and the reason for meeting him in this hellish town bound with horrors and those to nightmares live in I in response consoled him and we went to a bar I prepared some stuff to give him a pick me up monster food giving his terrible existence due to those to kids that got him bonded by that blasted contract after some therapeutic chit chat we went to his residence the boys house were we met the parents of the boy a bit of mind magic and i got them stright and awere but not a problem of the supernatural warld and grims exitence after some time Mendy and Billy arived home and saw the new ceature chatting happily with theyr frend/slave they ware stunned wen i looked at her frend and completely changed him into a proper sane kid with proper intelligence and etiquette Mendy was surprised by the immediate change of her child hood friend ,

And when I looked at her she flinched but the only thing that changed is that a book appeared in her hands as I said, he is no longer a fool make great use of him he is loyal to you and grim as friends he was changed genetically too he is half hex you are already strong but some chaos magic will make you unkillable and due to Grims job I made his life a bit more tolerable by giving Billy some proper intelligence and some instinctive abilities he will grow stronger in time like the old dragons his life span have been lengthening by accident tho and as you will practise the arts in your book don't lose it it will kill anybody except you if they use it, after I told her she gave me some questions I responded and she became serious but not mad towards me, after that she spent some time with her new friend as I spent some time with grim sharing magic and technics he was horrified by my silver bat and wen Mandy attempted to use it she learned to not mess with me due to my capability to use if without a single flinch of pain after some time there i invited them to my world for a family vacantion they saw creatures humanoids and other things that ware frendly and helpful they spent some days before they got too confortable i broth them back then i went to theyre hell dimension as grim spent time in his vacation on my world i exceanged information about it , i went and gatherd some cursed items and made them sentient and forsed fhem under my service after thst i sent them to worlds in the roll of evil duers with plans to bring a bit of balance between the peace spreed thrue all my worlds , as time passed i gatherd some evil duers for some lerning expirience they got contracts for theyre  desiers for some help with preventing any idiotic plans of world dooms stuff wat better then a villen to stop idiotic vilens in his dimension i expanded the bounds of my controll by checking for difrent life forms then bringing them in my follds to integrate them in my multiracial and speecies kingdome , under the name of Unity the name was decided to be the Union of Life they joined us or theyre children will do so by theyre chise and will after some yers of conkuest and integration we started the project shields up and speers redy , we isolated the hole universe we live in with a large shield with check points to monitore any extrauniversals enter ower universe even if there are evil in ower universe its all controled by the Grand Lords that work together to keep the universe in balance and happy as time passed i spreed magic technology and other powers to increase the level of power in my universe under me only four other can chalange me and all of them are Hex and my family and friends we kept each other in check and strong sparing with each other and after some time i started generating energies to matter to form a sun like star that is nade by the exces energies to be used as renewable energy and trash desposel and reciclible effect of the blue core of the star it took some time to make it self sustainable if he ever lives for long peiods of time approximately few thousands of yers