29.Visiting space once more

After a made sure my universe if united agents others and shielded agents infiltration I looked at the timeline by the technological blueprints found in the history of the sonic screwdriver from the doctor after finishing the lats plans to reinforce my people and family I opened a new portal to my next adventure, as I exited it I was in a ship with a human and some aliens they ware future-looking clothing from my account they saw seven feet tall goat-man covered in a black full-body mummy straight jacket with tattoos in the colour of blue and purple the restraints dangling as I moved as they saw me a lizard-like alien charged at me screaming something about the invader and savageries I got him by his foot and left him dangling and gave the others the expression of is he Sirius then I spoke they understand me due to my psychic field that is constantly produced to ease my travels I asked if the Crogan by what I got from the rest, after some chatting I left the lizard fall down from my grasp they asked me how am i capable to even lift the lized dueto my hight and visible mass i shood not be capable to do it , i asked them if they ever meet a demon or supernatural creatures they said they didnt as such i was sown largest room in the ship and i unfolded my full form increasing in 3 meters multiple extra limbs bursting outside of my back my features getting more predatory like a chill coverd them all and after a few moments i returned to my base form they all took a breth as i returned showing theyre instictive reaction , well i am wat is colled a onega predator that can live bowth in social envierments and savage worlds i am the moast dangerous and befrended creature due to my prepensity of helping to get my more savage side satisfied i will not lie to you people i came to this universe due to too paramiters one danger level similer to my power or close enoth and the second one beeing tecnologicle advancement, after i told them wat was necessary they asked ne if i need to be bare chested due to my clothes riping due to my transformation i burset in blue flames and my clothes fixed themselves and changing a bit to mimick theyre stile of clothing but the same vibe was emited we made a deal and so on they allowd me to come with them on theyre adventrues they saw me slother theyre enamies in time they got use to me and enjoyed theyr time betwin us i infected the reapers and took them over and gatherd them as my minuons that i sent to my home universe for testing and integration they ware gobsmaked at the sight , after i finished my fun in this univers i opend another portal  and went in and emerging in a different place a normal world i felt demonic energy along side with holy one i walked and turned to my human form and dresed as my usual clothes as i walked i passed by a church and arived at the haiest levels of demonic energy expecting somthing else then a school as i wallked towords it a cupple of the signatures towords me they met me face to face a red hed girl a black hare girl and a boy with brown hare looked at me and i saw them , they asked me way i came here i told them that i felt some interesting energy signature here and as you guys came to greet me i will test you guys to satisfy my curiosity we moved to a large field and i made a shield for privesi resons the boy did some perverted stuff to the red hed and his energy increased substancialy but nothing compared to me i used a half of my energy to re modify some stupid rules made by some idiotic guy with a god complex after that i met them , wen the spar started i mached the boys strength blow for blow asimilaiting any residual energy for my analisis gathering it and cristalising it mimiking a chess peace i analized it and modified it with my dream energy yet holding a similar power to its base from wich i made my oerege peaces blue cristaline pieces came out of my mouth as i let him give me a gut punch and act as it hurt me , surprizing thre of them the peaces flowted around me and they saw them gravitate around my back the 32 peaces in a strange pattern as time we soared the too joind the fight after approximately half a hower i got wath i wanted and after that i got some gnes from them and some angels then i left home .