30.Dealing with evil and others .

I opened a new portal and as I exited it some big dude waited for my emergence his form was strange and maddening at the first sight I felt my mind cracking apart is wat the old god I think it imagined in its mind my mind grew along with my form getting more and more grotesque and warped but my personality core remained unchanged and permanently fixed as myself I pulled out my mace and started to reap and tare its essence as I devoured it peace by peace cleansing and assimilating its powers and experience increasing my size and limbs count with different special abilities tied to them and as time passed by I understood its former purpose but I dine it the cleansing of universes didn't appeal to me but the information for different universes dose as such I returned to my base form and now gaining access to my old one form with my battle form becoming my bridge between them now owning four forms in total my human form, my base form my combat form and the least my new old one form and went next to a different world as i enterd it the warld was filled with monsters and difrent other chreatures i spent time in my viral form and lerned the capability to evolve and asimilate others i went and gatherd genetical information from as many as  cud for as i explored this world i met creatures that ware capable to fell my presence i met them and chatted with them as they atempted to capture me and after they got exosted i plaied with them untill they ware no longer capable to move then delivering them to a safe area untill they woke up and a black orb next to them the orb was filled with a sweet substance that has a large energy content that can help them grow stronger rumers spred thrue this world of the demigod of fun and redemption, and way redemption its due to my honting of any sinners untill they redeem themselves and the ability to be in more places at once made it easier for me to do the job my mind working with ease due to the extra procesing power of the former old god i found strong beeings and made contracts with them to get for miself some interesting intertaiment giving them power by enhansing some of theyre abilities after some time i made a cassel with my blue flames as egie and gothic as posible and made some demon like hex with only some powers not anithing that can take over this world but enoth to gather atention , increasing the technological level and spreding it to atract any universe travelers and found more human ones then monster i got familier with a lord class reincarnated monster geting him a peace of hex he got surprised by wat he got from it and terrorfied but he olso lern stuff about me i gave him the chance to work with me in exchange to show me intresting things i helped him with his kids wenever he went on vacation with his wifes after some yers i gave him the temporary home of mine as i went to another universe leting theyr world to grow giving him my hex with theyr genes limited to baisic humanoid he will not get any intreating abilities , wen i exited the portal i saw a world filled with coruption evil and anoing adds of a black mass with green mouth red fleaming ayebrows and he looked like a japonees mask and as i spent time on this planet i saw atrocities made by him and his rule i killed his armies with plegues controled my me hirting onli the sin full as i passed by the blue see of plants  folowd me  unstoppable by his armies and assasins i met a samurai he saw me as i saved and abliterated creatures as needed he met me face to goat face he asked me of a time portal i told him that all of those ware destroyed by his nemesis and that fate will guid him in time i made a hex for him a male in the imige of jonny bravo but with a mental conection to him to make shoore that my hex will not die he left as Aku came personaly for me but at the dumb founded face of the samurai at the terror sriecks of aku wenever i bit the hell out of him with my demonic silver bat the joy of the battle more like bulliing the mighty sorse of all evil and excetera i gatherd lots of genetic material from many aliens from that world and as i foth i tore apart aku not giving him any chance to fight back the fight surprised the samurai as aku took any chance to eschaoe i bloked him and as time went on i compresed his mass as i seald him into a human size form then covering him in a suit filled with teck and magic to restreane his abilities to a normal mortal the suit usses his biology agents him and converts his unstable form to a fragile one the suit allows his regenerative capabilities as it bloks all his offensive powers i then started pranking and maiking his life a living nightmere the samurai will piti him at the end of my mission he saw me purifing his work and fixing his mess eliminating all his havoc he cried at the sight of all his work getting undone by ones individual he realised way i was duing it at the end of his empier the last of his men he didnt belive that the ultimate evil was out done by a boat humanoid of unknown decent i made a home for miself as a mokery of his tower loked at the too of it his worst nightmares came to life dayli the legendery duo Billy and Mendy the hex versions of those too allways mesing with him and torturing him during the time some assasins colled the dothers of aku hunted Jack he was more mersiful then in the original and saved all of them after defeating them he contacted me and i helped them and one of them folen for him she wanted to meet her father and as she did  he activated his power in her in the hopes of her saving him from his tormenters but as she lost her control the black frose and returned under her control i made shure to modify his conection in all of them i told jack of the oroblem with his plan and proposed another leting his girfrend replease Aku in the time line as such i returned with the too before aku became aku spliting his essence and giving it to the femeale that birth the girls and living her influence the future waithing for the day to meet jack and then returning to her original form fixing the paradox with a self fullfiling profecy the time loop worked i infused the other half of aku in jack after transmiuting it into zen the complet oposite of its origins i made jack a imortal with it and as such i left home .