31.From home to some childhood memories.

I opened a portal and enterd it into a wasteland I walked for a bit as I gradually transformed into my human form as I walked I saw a home with a barn and windmill I walked towards it and knocked on the dor an old man that spoke in my natal language his name was Eustace he asked me why did I come here and as we spoke his wife Muriel and the purple dog who was looking, terror-stricken as Muriel invited me for a tee I accepted the old man attempted to be petty and annoy me but as time passed the purple dog calmed down and got friendly with me I found out from him that he has colled Curaj the brave guardian of the two old people I gifted him some tools to facilitate his endeavour and granted the three of them a bit more life span and resilience agents supernatural stuff in. General after I finished the tee and politely greeted them goodbye afterwards as I walked away Curaj saw me change to my base form I waved my hand to him while the two humans waved back, this time he ended an encounter with a supernatural being without any bad side effects I opened a gate and left to my next destination as I exited the gate a battle between 4 red-clothed individual fightings some robots dictated by a redhead showing about some kind of relick if I guessed right I took it with the mind power they looked at me I analysed the relic and stored it they saw the thing they came for disappear and the next thing they saw was my appearance I started to enlarge and as this happened the cloud turned dark blue and purple snow started falling they didn't notice anything else due to my form reaching ten feet hay appendices bursting out of my back as they saw me complete my transformation the villain screamed like a girl as he commanded his robotic minions got obliterated by one attack of my extra limb as the red-dressed individuals saw my ease of distribution of those betal constructs i grabbed Jack Spiser and started the process of purification of his soul and mind and as i left him go he thanked me and left with the ideea of increasing his world with his teck after that a lizerd with hands was aproching me he asked me for the relik i told him that the hart will be kept with me it is too dangerous for now and due to it beeing in my space i started the process of refining it with my power adding a artificial mind in it and increasing its association and control over other atifacts the mind beeing a copy of the time before the old one devowering  i refined it i Ipulled out the new relick a purple version of the original with a skeleton skull of my form that began to speack iIreturned to my base form and opend a gate to theyr home iIwalked towords the portal the red clothed kids folowed me uncapable to stop me  as i enterd the grounds of theire sect iIenergised the hart and it became a magnet to other reliks of this zone they got eaten by the hart of manuel and disolved into energy and the energy started forming it a body the next step was simple we went from hay concentration of reliks to another getting my hart more mass to form himself we encountered a corupted individual that iIpurified and left to find his frends iIgot all the reliks in this world as such iIreturned to the sect with a metal loking duble of me i ate him and assembled all its capabilities and powers reinforcing my own and getting me at my tip top shape they wached in terror as i changed to my new old one form and strech my body as i spreed in this world a new set of reliks around of a hundred of them they all had similer art stile showing theyre new master i told the monks that the new reliks have a curse that corups sinfull and heals the sinless any malevolent creatures or misgided good guys that abuse them they will lose themself  to my power after i spoke this to them i gave a special item to the shaolins that will indicate any evil wielding my tools after wich i left thrue another gate end emerged at a particular house all dark and stuff the place showing horor films who its boss just by existing i knocked on the dor and a butler that looked similar to Frankensteins monster he lisend to me and colled for the master and mistress of this house wen they saw me they invited me we chatted i showed them my world and i invited them to it they called for a family reunion and they chose to come if i take theyre home with them and i did they became part of the rural zones and after some ajustmant time they became confortable with theyr new nabers after some time i went to my favourite home and went to rest for a waile .