32.Taking a Marvel with me.

This time I made sure that they cant intercept me but some of the watchers tried to see me but they only made them visible to me due to a relic mirror I got integrated into me not one but three bold people attempted to see me afterwards I changed to my human form and found myself in a desert after I walked for a few hours and met some abominations with gams powers I cured them to their original form I extracted the memory of their metamorphosis and started scanning for their kin as I went on the hunt for these types of individuals I found some evil green big-headed dude with some of his creatures I took all the gama energy and returned them to their proper form then I killed the big head so-called leader  after extracting his memories of the reason of this infection of green gama energy I found a doctor with a slit personality he is a gama reactor and uncurable of his affliction I fixed his complex mind in exchange reinforcing it agents mind control and other mental issues due to his childhood after some time with him i oppend the gate in his soul and met the one bellow all it teisted quite good compared to the old one , i gave a part of hulks father to him so he can succeed his father , he ganed the ability to enter his new dimension filled with the individual that use gama energy in theyr bodies , after that i went to a different dimension in the same univers the Asgard i thoth some lessons to the arogant and mischifull roialials the one called Odin atemted to stop me even with his forse he was nothing then a mortal compared to my newly ganed goodhood beeing a mixture of more divinityes i distroid Asgard but spared theyr lifes to help it be reborn i lernd from Odin Himself of his miss dids so i went to hell theyre hell and freed someone that i helped get healed and after some time happy she took her revange Odin fellt the wrath of the aposol of death he suffered due to giving her a bat mimiking my own the only difference is the pain that is delt to its owner enjoyed the pain filled screams of a so colled Odin the old father , after his punishment i took hella with me to enjoy the thing that mortals do we enjoyed ower time eniminating evil on this planet then i left her with a frend waile i help a beeing thst suffers of etternal hunger he attempted to eat me at first sith but  i restreined him and found his cocoon that i modified to fix his body and now he will heal worlds and copy the planets for the next universe after that i returned and started with the viral entity that infected the non mutants to hate the ones it cood not control it teisted pretty good and leveld my own viral form covering the world with my own was easier than expected after some time i met the mutants that wanted to take over the human race i fixed theyre racial problems  and cleared missundersrandings as i infected everybody in this world i gather a lot of supper powerd genetic information and busted my powers and so after some time i found the infinity stones and ate em too after that i became connected to this universe as such i pulled the hole universe in my inventory it keeped working as normal but with a copy of myself living in it i made some of my hex in that world to helpe them ajust my morticia the death shadow took control of the dead of my internal dimension Apocalypse got eaten too geting me more control of my atoms clearing his memories and reincarnating him as a kid in the care of some kind mutants the avstars in this universe got conected to me i helped the ones that ware still loked , all the dimensional rullers got a letter of notice to not mess with my fun or i will rerwite theyr dimensions into theyr polar opposite and then loking them there as imortals , they all understood who did it and acted in different actions a lord chalanged me and sufferd the consequences then i transmited the information to all the others , the fool was cold dormamu or somthing living in a wald filled with Billy and Mandy along with idiots he was living a nightmare i gave the aichent one control of his torture due to her death i made for her a avatar to asist Billy and Mandy i then went to my universe and got notice from the Lords of other individuals similer to the inhabitants of the underground started poping up and cousing problems , before they cood do any damage my defenses isolated them and they got analised and catalogued , i interviued all of them one by one , it seemed there are tree grups the guardians of Alternative Universes , the distroyer of The so colled fake universes and the Nightmare squad , Error sans rememberd me from ower meting in the past , he was surprised wen he saw wat i did to my Alternative Univers i gave him a nice rest home similar to his anti void but with minimalist furniture and desine he lerned of wath i bacame andthat this universe is no longer under his jurestithin the other too groops atempted to a protect or b couse troble i remuved the memories of my universe from them , and gave Error a home to come to and allowed to clean the corupted universes beiond any redemption

After some time a sans with a paintbrush came and got coth without any moment to react by Error he told me of ink and I gave him a good mindwipe to make sure he or his sentient tools don't come to my place, a core frisk came to me with a proposal I accepted and made a sone for any monsters who survived genocide routes in a corner of my universe she needed my help to open the corridor I spent some power to make it with a blocker for unwelcomed individuals I met a Fresh parasite and helped him with me changing him in a hex it was well time spent  bonus I got the next targets for error and some new researchers or workers in different fields with different discoveries useful to us , fixing them a good planet for living was easily done showing Hella and the rest of the avatars my world was a good choice they integrated into a few months giving them the privilege to stay and train their arts to those that have similar powers the mutants gene was spread to all the normal humanoids to keep the world safe and in constant churning .