40.Awaken and bring some chaos to bleach.

As I wake up the instruments near me get engulfed in the blue flames and turned into a sweet-smelling gas that started spreading and as it happened the living beings around me into hex but the difference between the first generation and this one being the knowledge of the void I placed in them to increase their tenno like genes and the powers that go by having it after that I made some warframe blueprints and gave it to them as such a new force was born in my universe well except the pure tenno that cane here before with me, opening a new portal I waved them goodbye and enterd the new world I think as I exited the portal some of my power transformed into a new one I think this is pressure and mixed it with small amounts of different energies of mine  and found out that some of them worked but other became too volatile to use without dangerous consequences to this place at least I turned myself into a spiritual form to not alarm people at least the normal ones i walked and saw many things hallows got atracted to me like bees to hany i captured some for some experiments and killed the boring ones the proper way so i dont mess with the rules of this world after few atempts i made miself a few human looking halows with only fragments of theyre prior monster visege too femeales and s made all had difrent fluffy coverings that became clothes for themselves a sheep femeale wight hare , a fox red hear and tales male and last a spider with fluffy covering her former exoskeleton the had blue tatoos and a goat skull pendant , waile theyr wepons ware coverd by blue for the fox purple for the sheep and wite for the spider , theyr hunger relived and theyr body stable , i fellt a tug to my soul and as i followed it i arived at a shop a man with a green strioed hat was looking at me and my new folowers i waved at him amicably we aproched and chatted inside his shop and a few minutes later the source of the tug came to me , i placed a finger on it  and it shined and after few miliseconds a ferry aprared were it was a second before it took a genderles form with no visible erogenus parts , it started soeacking with me waile the creatire of the hogioku was flabergasterd and herd wat we spoke and as things happen wen we tuched we exchanged information and power waile the hogioku ganed fery genetical information that fited its exitence giving it the capability of muvement and conversation waile i ganed the inner workings of its capabilities and i ganed a wish granting abilities with equal exchange i spent some time with them i analised many things of my bloodborns as i dubed them , hallows corupted by the blood that curse thrue my body they are as powerful as they are devoted to me waile keping theyre personality and will  they enjoyed theyre life beeing spered and remade new better and theyr devotement was forged by my virus apealing to theyre intelligence and will to survive, my blood also got busted by the exchange between me and hog he wanted to be called hog or hogy he felt it well sueting it i made some eldrige clothing to protect hog after that i asked the former soul reper captin waile peting a black cat that i found around i made a eldrige special item a bandana around her head all black colord and told her if you want change your form with this little item and see wat it happends its quite fluffy and form fitting  similer to your unique fighting clothes after a few minutes of petting she did change to her human form and the bandsna coverd her like a simbiot forming her battle outfit with fluffy exterior and its really durable and confortable ,  after a few days there  i met some other soul repers and the main caracter with his frends wen he met me and the bloodborn he saw a human male with blue flames around my neck and a ferry chating and revealing desiers and aspirations of the people he speacks with , rukia that was in her pupet body asked me many questions i responded with information that will not change this world to much  the orange head chalanged me to a fight i ablieged him we enterd the training room i alwredy reinforced it to handle twelve isens with full power wen we were face to face in the roky terain he used his sord more like a huge katana , i incresed the presure on him until he hit his limit i materialised a copy of his blade but much more cool luking with colors inscribing runes on it , he struggled a bit untill he managed to attack me we clashed he became faster and faster i kept the pase with him his presure got more and more refined as this went on i started pulling his other powers his hallow started showing waile his Quincy showed up wen i blinded him for a waile  to forse it out  he was not refined at all his hallow took over for a waile i thinck his battle with his inner hallow started  i kept him ocupied as i pleyed with him , in a few minutes the hallow mask changed and his eyes cleard up waile we kept battaling his strength kept growing more and more never overwelming me at his limit he just follen doun like a doll with its strings cut , i grabd him and broth him outside with a goat skull neckles on his neck to surpress his new power i met the quinsi power in him and corupted it with my influence braiking the conection between the son of the soul king and reinforsing it , wite strands of hear formed as a consequence of my changes to his third power , Urahara checked on his condition and saw the anomaly , my modification  to him the hallow mask didnt disepear but started morfing and changing  to resamble a bit his new medalion , after a few howers he woke up and realised that i did something to him so he will keep fighting and with the help of hog his power kept soring in the battle i healed wenever he reached his limit along with refiling his energy the battle took a full week to complete, the only reson he got noked up was his hunger reaching unberable limit even if i kept him going , after his waking up he ate for a few howers , monster food infused with the energy of this world nureshing his cells and soul after that  i left him to get use to his new parameters i chated with him time to time after some time rukia got kidnapped by her brother and the red hed , he was strong enoth to defeat him if he had enoth battle expirience bateling captins that has foth for far longer then himself, i didnt interfear and the events of the soul sosiety went as it shood but at the end isen didnt get his hands on the true hogioku only a small copy i made waile showing his evil nature , i apeard and helped with the next problems , killing the evil vampires and fixing the ones that can get redeamed , then eating a semi dimension and helping a girl with her dicepearing problem , then i waited for  rukias kidnaping by the to kids keeping a eye on her helped i capture the too and clensed them from the hallow in them as i obtained a new wepon a cool sithe with mind wiping capacityes the too kids i infused with reaper powers in exchange so they can live with they frend , after that i eliminated some corupt soul reapers and got a living wepon that i molded into a unique pet for hog to defend himself if he wanted , a ferry diding a small black dragon , and the sord soul event happend

After his master mortality, hurt his former partner I grabbed and changed him, healing him at the same time, his master got defeated by Ichigo and Rukia brother  after the defeat I extracted the hallows from the former sword soul now new hex spirit in his hex body we  spent some time there and made a picnic with all the people there, the new hex felt a connection with me and the tree followers of mine and after some time I went on my own and cleaned the first substitute soul reaper and hired all his companions after exposing his secrets, the kidnapping of the Orange heard girl, I sent my minions with the soul refers to restrain the hallows that follow isen as I subjugate all the hallows in the las noches and saved the girl after that I went and met isen fighting the reapers while his minions got trapped and placed in safe areas for later projects, I started a battle with isen and as it happened hog came and extracted his other half to eat and increase his power isen got horrified when he lost his power and zanpacto , the ferry told to all that cood hear his deapest secrets just to put solt on his wonds , i enjoyed his teror after that i left to the shadow of the soul society and ate the quinsi  that sored his blood to all the others , i didnt give him any chance  to retaliate, and i used his conection and reforged the powers that ware given fixing any flaws or mental influence anpon the user and then gifting all the inhabitants a goat neckles , i transloketed them to my world , after that i visited the soul king and replaced him with a specialised hex with inortaliti and indestructible body imune to many things and gave it some haky , i made a permanent portal to my universe so that rietsu will spill in my world waile pleasing the new bloodborned guarded it and thoth theyre tecnics .