41.Walking the path of exiled ones.

After getting used to my new pressure I opened a new gate and after I changed to my human form I started the path of exile

Killing enemies with my mase my clothes slowly repairing themselves as I kept the killing following the cannon of this world I ate all the special enemies that were supposed to die along with the cool stones that hold skills by the logic of this world I did battle with giants at the same size as them the individual's that are stranded on this continent they ware awed when I went titan like and living large temporary bones when I reverted I helped the ones that ware well and eliminated the evil, news I got a cult they ware devotees of the red corruption bu, not fiscally infected I made their leader into half leach half hex with goat horn and nobody pains like the previous god-like entity, going on and consuming any interesting corrupting forces and changing them to my desire

Summoning minions was refreshing then I made some trackers and found the dimensions where they came from and found their origins, I enjoined connecting those dimensions to my own and as such the summoning stones worked there too and after some time there I got my hands on some powerful artefacts and left the dimension to my original, due to the bleeding effect the universe that I first emerged got a functional summoning skill stone my hex and the other inhabitants enjoyed new research material and so on then I opened a new portal that showed me a world with the influence of a colossal demon split into many fragments just to be reunited to grant a wish or so, I hunted all the fragments and fused them to get a terror-filled demon who bowed and asked me for help due to the mad people of this world I fixed his body and integrated the hex gene after that I gave him to them my hex enjoyed exploring the new knowledge that the demon holds I took a copy when I fixed him, afterwards I went to yet a new dimension the place was dark with lava and demons many tipes of them too from short ones to big ones and different capabilities along with each and every tipe , after some tipe i found that the energy of thsi place was made to be depended on like coffe but to a extreame way kind of adictive , i felt the sorce of this power in the core of this world , felling its oresence it felt me and i went to it we chated on the way me with the help of Sys and it with its sistem like rules manipulaiting this world , i opend my gate in a hell like leare i felt monsters generated similar to my hex wenever i make new ones from scrach as such wen i arived close to the scenter i met nineteen grand beasts the top of theyre species after pasing by them after paralising them with teror i met the core and we exchanged some geneticl information and the knolege of the individuals rebirth here , i made a pact that if my hex wanted a vacation he can pull theyre souls here with theyre permision i met all the reincarnee that ware still sane enough i made them some gifts meet a ant colled Anthony he was quite powerful by my standards for a motal some others to i gave a helmet to a beare it helped her with her anger issue spending some time with him i gave him a esence cluster with genetical code of bypedal insect aliens his body got coverd by a cocoon after he accepted my gift wen he emerged his form was of a ten foot dimand ant like humanoid with all his upgrades , wen he emerged he was given the choice to impart the body structure to his family and he did so after he warned them all and guarded them waile it happend theyre species changed to someting similar to Homo-formica-sapient of different tipes depending on theyre privius ocupations as things went i was happy for theyr evolution, and due to the changes he implimented the dependence can be overtaken if relly neded like if the planet is attacked and he wants to send the more strong ones in its defence  of the surface dwelers i spred some hex to influence the gene pull so theyr energy rezitence will grow as they get exposed to it , then i left home and made a similar planet to that one named adventure world for the fools who desier to die , all the monsters sponed there ware bastardised versions of the residents of my universe , waile they spend time there the sistem gets more xp and they grow faster i added a glados like ai to manage it , i spent there with my skeleton army and restricting my power to a normal mortal to enjoy the thrill of the hunt , i made some special hex to be bosses as such time passed by i got some intresting monsters forming down here i made some loot chests with my favorite stones along with other things from difrent dimencions that i visited , the ones that enjoyed crime cane here like moths to a flame some ganed power and other just died in the blase of glory and hilarious traps made to humiate and kill , depending on theyre evolutionary paths after that i went home to rest for a bit more time .