43.From a hero community to D-Grey men's.

I woke up I opened a portal and saw that on the other side were different people with different appearances they gave me a look and ignored me afterwards some police told me that civilians should not use their quirks and bla bla bla after they attempted to scold me I turned to my viral form and flew away they god surprised at me who ignored them I spread my virus through all the humans with or without unique characteristics I learned of they biology some ware more resilient than others at least for a small period then it mutated and overtaken the more hardy ones all got infected and the only trace was a small cold-like symptom after some checks they didn't discover me or my viral form in the hole of humanity and living creatures that ware capable of infection, I didn't influence their minds this time and materialised in front of AFO I saw his damaged form he was in the course of infection but it took exponentially more time due to his myriad of powers that are being mapped out and assimilated into my viral form , my blood started gushing out of him and moving towords me geting asimilaited in my data base i healed him after streaping all his unique powers and infiusing them in my tool of miriad of skills i enjoyed the look of surprise and indignation apon my actions his hate and unwillingness of lusing his power was enjoyable for me we spoke i gave him a chance to leave and be a quickless he called his saientists to give him his power back by syence and madness he did gane power but at a terible cost he didn't manage to keep his mind and became the puppet of the doctor the OFA was tipped of to all the bases of operation of the doctor , i remuved the quicks from the foul and evil limiting them to the young and just well by my standards that is , stane didn't have any more targets more to hunt and went after the corupt and foul after some time he got some people to asist him along with the police and heroes, the living virus that was made by me was influenced by the subconscious of humanity and solit into too with the same body he was tasked with balance and the presentation of the human race that will slowly be infused with Hex genetics theyr colective mind will help in theyr lifes and impruve i got a copy of all the quirks into my skill tule and the genetical information was usefull to inreach my gene library  i left this world to its fate after leting it to its will i emerged into a new world that was simple i felt evil and good but more importantly the souls inslaved in dolls of death and depravation i went and released some of them i speed my viral self and found some special power sorses that resembeld my void power i gatherd some and replicated them afterwards i found the self awearnes in them i spred my take on them and they serched for worthy partners some of them had alwredy the normal ones , they got asimilated and empowerd them waile generating a avatar of theyre will to interact with theyr users , the siners ware peaching my intrests the too arcs ware fasineiting and complex the evil went to the dark one and the good inhereted the sparks and asended as guardians but the inbalance by the fall of the wite king made the black one send the mesangers of deaths by maiking deals with fragile humans to increase the chanses that a new king will remerge and come in control of the opposite arc i saw the fight due to my influence a boy with a hand that transformed was expedited and it helped that his avatar resembeld the withe king in the form of a chiby  ersion of it , after they foght the ark emerged and it became the base of the exorcists they ware surprised wen i visited them atenots to kill me and such there was a guy who resembeled a vampire but wen he atempted to drink my blood he spewed out my red acid that i kept at the consistsncy of my blood to full anybody , the taste of it was like the moast sower thing ever made in creation , it was funny wen the others just fallen down like puppets with strings cut of , the vampire somehow moved waile his flesh protested with broken mucles and creacking bones , all the chybies came to see me the exorcists got suprised wen they called ne father , and me acting like one due to them being my creations , the ones that enjoied steing with their hosts keeped themselfes on they head waile the ones that ware not happy with theyr partner came to me after lerning how they have spent theyr time i separated the ones that ware not confortable and gave them some blancks that will grow with theyr new hosts i talked with them after relesing the presure apon them , i lerned of they purpose as such i left them a litle gift a stone that created the partners and enhanced the users or tools infused with the energie orbs , after that i went and met the siners some foth me some enjoy the spar and me the same some of them went all out small dameges to my form but they fixed rapidly there was a strong one that managed to make me use my titan form because i didnt want to humiliate him with my base form , due to my desier to look cool , the giant purple form with no fur but scales , my natural wepons he was surprised and defeated by stomping the rest of sins supervised us , it was funny wen i spent some time with them i made some chybies conected with them for fun i made a dark stone for any new sins , i made a wacher to record the future of this warld and to bring the chybis home if the owner died, afterwords i went home for a bit more rest , spending several yers awake dose take a tall on me .