44.From an exorcist to a judge.

As I woke up I saw many humanoids checking the readings that come off me, and as I see them they greet me and tell me the approximate time of my sleep period this time it took few months, the threats to my universe have been identified and corrupted before they were assimilated into the more advanced community that made a deal with me due to being an old resident of the group and due to my adventures they gained new knowledge and species to improve their ecosystems and learning, after a strict rule to not attempt without me the portal generation, they didn't get too many hick-ups into the research of gates and interuniversal travel excluding the fixed portals to my self and the worlds I visited getting the thing going was good I specifically made a hex for any mishaps of portals or other things as this happened I prepared a special portal and went through after the preparations ware ready I was met with a gahena with a man of the cloth and a boy there I pulled them out they ware socked to see a goat-like being easily pulling them out of the hell gate , during this some small blobs with tales and cat ears swarmed me the got thrue out of the building , my eyes glowed golden and holy energy clenes the gate and the satan of this world he was driven out with his gate , i released his sons power and started infiising him with my compatible energy after wich i changed to a more ease to carry form and took a spot on his sholder  and i started to tell them some information that will allow me to keep a aye on this youngster as i enjoy the show , asisting any truely dangerous events and i got myself some funny moments the purification tools that i gave in exchange of some interesting demons and cursed tools was warth it , meting the intresting ones and plaing with the cort was fun i made a perfect host for satan and i made a conection to my universe so that some chaos and progress will be made after imparting the information that i gatherd from them  , i opend a new gate conecting to another version of my emergence place i was met with a sans he was papirus like i was invited to his home , papirus saw me and hi aye glowed orange and he felt my presence he just got stuned by it and he follen apart , now a pile of bones he started ratteling i pulled back my presence and helped him put his bones together , sans was not shure wath happend but was surprised wen i used my magic asking me of the reson i look like a difrent version of theyr Queen, we spoke i told them some truths and after some time papirus teleported me and him to the judgement hall and he started the battle but wen he red my text he understood that he can nevef stop me due to my tittle beeig , The Multiversal juge along with Atrocity of the endles , with numerus others given by the inhabitants of the universes i went to , we exited battle and we chatted between us too , and i promised to unlock the cage that kept them underground, wen Queen toriel saw me she went sad to angry in a suprising seen of trident mastery agents me if it did damege in the first place after a few minutes of wrath with no effect she exosted herself , i didnt expect this as such i just walked to the barier and compleatly absobed it for laiter use as i desier so the gobsmaked aperence of the queen i went viral so i can influence the human and monster genetics to increas the compatibility between them , after that i opend a new gate and left home to get some hibrids that desier to visit a paralel version of theyr universe  as such i broth some with some protection and a way back after that i went home for more rest.