45.invitation to the Havens.

After some time in my universe, I met many similar worlds to the first I encountered and my surprise at the similarities between the underground I emerged from well they were inspired by the alternative versions of the core Galaxy of this universe, as the residents expanded they located the other galaxies and started a special plan to use my construct as a centre star from were the galaxies will orbit is due to my connection to it amplifying the former sun-like structure and became monolithic compared to its previous size I listened to the plan and assisted by moving it safely in the middle of the universe and moving the Galaxy in orbit with it then I started with the others one by one they took their place, it took quite the time to do it the proper way, giving all the planets Astro-computers so they may be in contact without delay of complications and after my job was done I went to the solar furnace as I call the monolithic sun-like structure, I went to the core of I and started to reinforce it and give it more stable form  and logeviti , along with the reinforced core by Eldrige script and biological mechanisms with a serthen script to perfectly sustain this furnes after few yers i preperd some clones to keep wach and help with any problems to come it holds only a small part of my might well after few days of finishing preparations i was visited by a beeing of similar strength with me he was coverd by his power he asked me to exit my furnes dur to the temperatures it holds by my desine  we went outside and we spoke he told me of the hayer planes and the opportunities to grow even stronger, wen i saw him i used my dojutsu that i made from the naruto universe the fusion of all of them made it ease for me to scan and analyse as such i ganed a understanding of the divinity he poszeses and due to my beeing just slaped together from difrent devine beeings that i ate i then took my divinity to its esence and reconstrucred in my version of a proper one following the example of the god in front of me , that was surprised at the ease of change he felt from me , during the change my ayes grew difrent patterns and tatoos formed around my face and it looked cool , we spoke and i accepted .

As such we went into a portal and many strong presences were there as such I went viral and remodelled my form to be on the top of my game like they say the horrified looks the other ware as I did so made me smile, some came and asked me from the world I came and the surprise of hearing that I am a multiversal entity that is maybe more unkillable then most of them I spent time analysing and fighting enemies in the colosseum getting more and more references and blood samples helpt me start a new state of flux some people invited me to their homes where they work to grow stronger and ascend together to the next level of existence and so on whenever there were deathmatches I completely beat and then assimilated to gain all the knowledge and cultivation as they say in this dimensional level as I call it, after some more time I enterd a house as a disciple and climbed the later from disciple to master, it was interesting to experience, it during the time many other houses attempted to eliminate this house but they became food for my growth as i didnt care seanse i see all siners like that as such any demonic howses became my targets wenever i went on my walks , keeping my power on the low and wenever the arogant wans showed up playing the joker was easy with the help of my miriad of skills beeing a anomaly as the scp wood say it not showing any special caracteristics except its power to change from bracsers to a staf wenever and the unique skills that i use made me a odball due to the vew of the strong dont need to worry due to they are to strong for something to afect them or something, the amiusement wen the male cultivator hits me and all he sees is me turning into a red puddy for a moment then he turns into a her and then she pleeds me to turn her back due to his other form is not use to its power in the form they are in , they folowed me until i tuned them back after they paid me with a generous amount , some came with someone that they dont like just to humiliate them in theyre different form and some same gender cupples , waile prancking good people and killing iredimeble ones they gave me a nickname , The juge of Loky and scurge of Hades , i didn't get it until the to gods serched for me , Loky wanted to se who was the so cold juge of himself, waile Hades wanted to test me so to be satisfied with the use of his name , well at least a mesanger from the to came and i visited the Hades household , he was a tall grey skind waith hear with black armure that allowd movement and good protection , we met eye to eye and he spoke , we started understanding each other and he gave me a task that i sucsided due to my viral form or using the undead sumonig skills i got a army then i infected them with myself and reinforsed them to a fragment of my power each and every one of them turned in specialised for a skill from my tool of miriad of skills  i enjoyed the shock on the enemyes he chosen for me the complete control over my sumons alowd me to out tactic them due to a hivemind like inteligence and wenever one gets distroid i reinforse the others with the viral pach that didn't have a host to bust as time went on only a undead remained with all my viral fragments and wen it died i reformed and then turned into a skeletal titan of monalithical size , i then finished the test and the oleased look on Hades's face was clear i compleated it with fling colors then i went viral and turned back to my base form , afterwords i was given a hanorific bage for the exceptional show i given the lord of the underworld, after a greating i keft with a skull pendant, i checkt it and i sensed a blesing under the diguise of a curse the curse of death and control that makes any death energy not under my control get absorbed and sent to hades with the soul of any viel beeing , next was Lokys household wen i was invited inside i saw a man with golden horns helmeth and green cloths , wen he saw me he was a bit surprised due to my goat-like appearance and new clothing the bracers along with the neckes that i ganed from Hades along with the one i made for miself , the bagy pants and black shoes the chest was exposed and i am proudly showing my tatoos complimented with my Eldrige script and so he pointed a finger to me and started to rant about what dose it mean by juge of minself and the  things like that , i saw his folowers all with difrent divinities but the same sparck in theyre eyes that miscevus malisciesnes , wen he stoped with the anoing rant i started by going viral then reforming into my large form specialised for terror indusing , he was suprised for a moment then he turned back to his all mightily self of steam or so , then i activated the blue flames in my maw and soewd it evrywere covering everybody and every surfes of this throne room , and after a few seconds of panic from the minions and the  god himself wen all the stuf in this room became brown and near some of them it started melting waile under me was wight with multicolors , evrything even theyr clothes became chiocolat and under me it became the strongest sweet i know of jawbreaker platform , after my breth of change i turned back to my base form then i took the jawbreaker platform in my iself maid iventory and flee out if there with a goat horned human skull the size of my other medalions it was laffing and it had a delayed low level curse that wood activate evry night at a soecific hower , i dispeld the conection to Loky and imprinted my power in it , afterwords i conected it to my other ones as i walked to my Hosehold , the god that leads it you say? Well the name of the god is the Chaos god of Order the nr 5 between the other four that are not in this dimensional level due to some special reason he does not want to not impart on me he taught me of the warp and I gained a surprising good control over the energies and I formed a core from which my essence started to assimilate and an apotheosis started to my divine essence and body gaining an aspect of the warp as my own and started feeding on that emotion from the warp as such I became his second special student.