We woke up ate some food and then prepared some snacks then we all move to the ower tv room where we saw my fragment go into a unique dimension the second dimension was well a plane dimension with plane thought and plane dreams I took over a body there I assimilated all its knowledge and other things I had no problems with taking the individual over since my mind was well on another level well dimensional level I changed the body to my image that was automatically simplified to a shape a pentagon with a star formation inside it with a single eye in the middle and simplified limbs I had a fez and a cane I could fell everything I understand everything and I did not care I first took stock of the ways I have out and I ran like the hell and exited in the dream realm where I spent my time I changed to a tridimensional form a man in a black suit with my fess and my cane in hand clawed to be more exact my body resembled a peach black skeleton with a pentagonal insignia on my left pectoral wood be, my bones were pentagonal structured like a pentagonal piramids and cilinders i enjoyed the ease of muvement and i started to make a home for myself i met with many brilliant minds and discused with them and in exchange for knowledge they will make a vesal for me so i can go and do wath i desierd on theyr world first was at egipt were bill made them open a anoying portal and the dog headed guy i managed infiltrating his mind and maiking a body from his own by separating a part of him and molding it to my form the moment bill saw me were he desierd to be he became enraged since he recognised one of his species at a glance i kept away from him so i can scheme and survive i am partially his species so not fully like him my flames were used to change the portal to a well pile of dust i made a desquise and walked the lands the wickend dog headed anubis was fearfulof me since his mental defences were quite strong but not a mach to me i walked the erth and never went to the gravity falls i messed with the plans of bill each ocasion i got geting his ier on me so he wood not couse to much damage to humans his profesy never told of another of his chainf i got my imprint all ofer the world so i can react to his portal atempts leving behind organisations to stop his atempts then i enterd the gravity falls were i met with the twin that was on the way to get the portal redy for testing i enterd the shack and as i arived i saw the too skiny doctor move towords the portal i used somebof my pentagonal shaped tentacles to bull him before he cood enter the portal it was a close call i was asked many questions since a strange man just burst into flames and sent some kind of pentagonal shaped ropes to pull the one in risck i eliminated the portal as it turned to dust the energy that powerd it dispersed i grabed the tree boocks and added some aditional information to them then i reveald my complete form were theyr shocked looks were funy i changed the former portal room into my room and the former sience shack became the pentagon shack of secreats and alchamy i helped them protect from the influence of the mad triangle then i got them to worck together a con man to made things run smuth as the inoquas inventions became atractiins and the more dangerous or educational ones kept hiden or mosified for mass production to asist the strange town some more atempts were made by bill no nightmares were capable to bother the residents due to theyr personal dream cacher i made for each of them and wen those were not enoth i battled with him in the dream realm he was iven more insane then i that gave him a advantage that alowed him to sometimes take over my avatar for small amount of times this was the reson for me engering the strange gathering field and due to me being uterly strange i was stuck inside it and so he was wenever he took co troll over me he atempted to use my flames to forge his gate but the only thing he got was gelatine sculptures of myself beating his sorry ass or perverted depictions of him keeping him focused on me and only me i spent yers here as a normal resident keeping the peace between the strange inhabitants i made the giant space ship my large spacios home were i made a contanment zone so i can get a secon dose of his power and genes aince the forst one was not enoght to make proped hex of his decent and wen it was the yanger twins they enjoyed soending time with the too uncles and a cusan of theyr age dipper with the sience uncle mable with gruncle and wen they were together for adventures i joined them to help and such i got many dead body's they saw my ropes and weapons that were pentagonal in shape a large pentagonal sight that wood be a pentagonal cilindral with a flater pentagonal piramid on a end of it, resembled more the father of maka from soul eater as a side note i enjoyed that series i shood send a fragment there in one of this days i opend a portal in a secluded place were bill will be capable to enter this world he materialised and at the same time i reached my full power my starting power aince my avatar creation was jaut a fragment that i used to slowly and atady grow it into my full power he laffed and wached the zone were we are he saw me wealding my sight and he transformed in his multipe handed and duble mouthed form red ans black he was stuck aince i made a univorn hear barier around him it was a dodecahedron that held him from exiting it returning to his base yellow piramidal shape with a opend wide eye as he saw his portal crumble to dust i moved towords him as i sead, You you demon-devil thing consived in the deapes depths of the darkest depths of the bleakest womb wath say you now that youre stuck in this creation of my that was born for the sole reson to keep you from messing with this blessed world of the sun and order i have seen your doing the purging of my home and secundary burth place i will take revnge on you and foll into the bais of the individual that asimilated me into himself you damed mad man wath wood have been next this dimensio you sick thing.
After I left my host to take co troll and saw him punish his brethren by slashing and reaping him to shreds slowly taking his will over and presenting it to me to devour at the end of it he gave me the rest of himself as I assimilated him within me I got access to the rest of the powers of his species I opened a portal to my other self and merged with myself I gained awareness more than before all my idols became sources of knowledge and well my reality manipulation gained a new and special way that complimented it since the second dimensions are now accessible to me I can get knowledge and see from it and manipulate it to get further uses that no third-dimensional creatures wood have the only reason I can even go there was the bill I have around my neck then taking his energy and last the assimilation of a second of his species and once more himself then we went to the beach where we had some fun and then took a shower and we return to sleep.