174. Sent to the soul eater to well become strong again.

We woke up and we went straight to the washing pool we all went there to clean ourself's afterwards we went to eat stuff then we took some snacks and started the tv we saw a fragment being sent it arrived at a strange place where I saw a woman blond dressed in black and with a wicked mind she had a fetus inside her I was grabbed by her and since souls have visible representations here I was a purple soul she  grabbed me and I made her indirectly send me to her son to assimilate since I was unique she didn't fell the need to eat me due to several quirks of my existence one I burst in flames whenever she attempted to eat me and when I was close to Crona I was slowly moving towards him and now I was in his body I was slowly changing my new body I took his soul and assimilated it within myself she monitored ower fusion I gave myself the flames the ability to induce emotions in people and to summon unique creatures out of my blood like the doom maker from DXD well I was born some months later i was a kid with blood red hear my skin was pale wight and yes i was a male but my body was pretty and adrogenus she infused within me Ragnarok wen i was too years old it was like being given a iv the black blood changed to a deep purple and she saw Ragnarok atempt to exit my body manichaly and desperately and purple tentacles slowly apeard ataching to him and drawing him back inside me after a few minutes a new creatire exited my body molding and forming over me my limbs geting a armured and bone like form my spine and ribs got copied over my natural ones as a black pendant was found on the midle of the chest he was capable to talck and react but not capable to do much except a small manifestation to interact with other people as i in exchange ganed complete contol over the purple blood i got an resonace capabilities that fused with my other given ability by the original i manifested the resonance buble to be shown as a large skull like with sharp teath and croses were its eyes wood be the resonance was perfect capable to amplify my powers stedaly and exponentially depending on the type of resonace i made each emotion had a different benefit and detrament well she made me kill some animals i used my greate sword to behead them and absorb them and next the absorbing of the soul and generation of skeletal replicas that will grow with me theyr souls wood be pupets capable to resonate with bowth of us as they can act as emotion cores if i used multiple souls i can use multiple emotions as i discoverd  after medusa gave me misions to grow stronger and stronger i made shure to survive and grow as she was suprised wenever i came back with new pupets the stronger the creature the more i kept them with me eating the weack souls  and wepos to grant my Ragnarok those shapes i can use the pendant or the blood directly wen i met the sight wielding gall she was suprised i was more confident then the original and my clothing was acentuaiting my evry aspect i managed to get her to blush since the church was now empty i plumged my hand in my chest and pulled a purple beating hart i knelt on one nee and postured myself as i wood give it to her as a man wood give a ring to a lover and that was the funyest thing i did she was suprised disgusted and blushed she got distracted and i managed to tie her down alongside her partner then i started mesing with her body she was cute and adorable as she was scared and helpless i was over her as i started by sumaning my favorite beast shaped as a walcking bed enoth to hold multipe people i grabed her and placed her on the bed she was stugleling as i took of evrithing except my pijamas she saw evrithing her blush intensified i came next to her and just cudled next to her i made a shieth of my by blood it acted felt and smeled like a animals fur geting it over us i was face to face to her as her partner was in a hamack/cage confortable and safe this lasted for a few minutes, as we saw another sight wealder cuting the door off and wen they saw me next to moka in the same bed thing blushing loking at me with confusion and some hint of anticipation the suprised look of her father and the intrigued look of the doctor made them hesitate since i had her right in my grasp with my head in her chest she was still clothed i made a show of loking at them then returning my head back to her i smield and returned to sleep as from under my bed thigs started crawling out of it were many skeletal creatires with unique wepon partners that theyve used in life each and evri one of them had a emotion resonance granting them unique bosts the doctor with his partner dispached them suprizingly easy but wen he expected me to still be with the dother of his wepon partner he saw me luming over him with a mouth filled with sharck like teath i bit his solder and infused him with the moast of my power isolating it in one of his body cavitys bihind his lungs not inpering him but alowing his sitem to slowly get a rezistence to my mothers power to take over or couse madness to other people as i returned to my base power he then hit my stomack with a resonace maching wave geting me noked out with a smile then i was inducted in the reaper academy i was sent to after some time in isolation i was allowed to help with the hunt i met with the doc he now was even more rezistant to mind ailments i colected my power as i huged him he felt the thing that was covering his cavity were his lungs were no damage was coused to his insides i smield as he saw me deatach from him with a smirck i puked a bit of purple blood on my hand as it changed shapes into a pendant that i gave it to him as i told him, if you feel that your body was infiltrated by something crush this pendant and injest the substance inside it it will give you the chance to expell it good luck, i smield and went to class only to see him as the teacher i learned evrithing i cood i was sent on misions and sucseaded in each and every one of them and wen the demigod asshole went agents lord death i came and asiated the team to defeat him more like i ate him he atempted to take me over but i just asimilated all his power turning him in my mindless pupet lord death was suprised i and moca became best freands and next was a cuple and  you know we left some decendents and wen we she was at her  last moments we left i made her a hex body so we can live on she saw me murfe with my other self and she understood we went to eat and then sleep all together, me Crona Bublegum Marcelin Moka Jane and Madam blood.