We woke and I checked the home and as time clew there were more nobles and such coming to acquire some of us with friendly offers that ended getting us more money or stuff depending on the placements they have sent from bandits to paladins here as the things went I or my kids deal with them some died and other well depending on the look or genetics some of the teens chose them as well partners as they also chose the partners for the time being I saw as they converted them after getting enough mass to make the change smoothly and there was too paladins that made themselves quite appealing to too of the teens a female deal-breaker her screams were rather loud and the male he was of the sun gods the teen who got her eyes on him was the albino she changed as he was on the floor as she was impaling herself the female lost her memories and mind reset to a more pure state at which her useful memories were analyzed and sorted as the male paladins skin changed to a darker color as was a drow now like us his inate capabilities enhanced and hia freal body grew as his hear became black as night as he became sufering of melanism well not so much sufer but he mached his dark to her lighter skin color he felt the conection with her and the bond with the rest of us the fift teen was still indesisive since he was being atracted by a serthen noble girl, and after some preparations he asked if she liked him they were quite inocent in these matters i aproved and so did her scum of a father that did evrithing for her due to his quite unhelthy desier to protect her due to the death of his wife in an not so suprizing death coused by some kind of asasin i took care for them to know wath they were geting into as i gave her the rather unique medicine to make her instincts a bit more malewble so she can meld with them and not juat get absorbed by them and well end in the unusual instinct state well unless you have some holy mental protection or such, i analized the change and saw a mutation with the girl she as the chainge acured in her body the growth acured normaly but she didn't shrinck to a normal human size as it shood insted her hands changed to normal from the wepons for hunting that ower larger forms have we checked with her father and leaned that her mother had her a giant ansester and the sustenance she needs to complete her change will well be more then we expected so we sent some if the parnered now adults we will just call them hunters as the term fits us right wen we are adults we saw them together and the we spent quite the time together albedo and greg the former drow went on misions from his god she started learning to be a cleric well she is quite fatefull and ower sleep requirements means that she can witness all sun rizes and sunsets i took care to give them serthen tips and the tolck about ower curse and blesing and that we all serve one an only one thing, he was woried at the begining wen i said that , and that is famaly if we dont this hole world wood become nothing more then filled with beasts that only hunt for satisfing theyr hunger so take care and practice the condensing tecknick so you dont get to discriminated from others and since you guys have the pesky god helping you shinanigans may acure , so take care of her pff its more like her taiking care of you untill you get the hang of the feading habits we have , the rest of us stayed home for a bit as the new cuples ajusted as time went i and Lucy took care to grow stronger and wen they got hang of the purpose we have and theyr talents achived a serthen level they wood be safe enoth to not couse a x class end of the world scenario and such then we went to the under dark by the cave near a spot were ower former drow son came from we folowed tr map and as it happend we killed many new prey we got some new features on the lines of scale like growths on small parts of ower bodys and such from new creatures and if we grow to ower hunting forms some of them will be accentuated and more dominant as things go we met a anbrahulck he was suprised wen i poles out of his eyes out and ate them on the spot as Lucy inpaled him rith thrue the abdomen some chitonus material was added to ower skin wen the hunting mode was on and ower claws is even better as we then meditated returned to ower social forms and then went deaper in the caves and after some time we found some natives durigars and drow they were together that ment they were not so natural as such we checked the buildings as we walcked on the roof well more like cwroling around i saw some get agitated and i saw some squid people and other abominations i did take care to not aproache we passed by the camp and went deapper in the caves were we saw sicluded soots were tribes of drow lizerdman and gnomes we ware told the drow wood welcome us easyer then the other too due to ower rather unique eyes we prepared and went to it more like crawling down ower son told us of theyr customes and well languege the lerning of wich was suprizingly easy at least for me as we aproched the guards were became alert we were dresed with a cloke and ower face was coverd by ower wight hear similar to theyrs but not quite the same as we moved it to the side they saw my red face and Lucys purple one quite off from theyrs i took a step forwords and asked for permision to enter as we desier to well make a ture of theyr home as ower dothers husbond tood us of the bewtys of the underground, they loked at us and told us to waite as they polled some kind of stone as they colled for someone and after few more questions they allowed us to enter after we paied the toll in gold as its usefull here for some rituals and such we saw the dark and gothick look of the place we met with a drider at some point it was guarding a church like place he was suprizingly nice for a drider we passed at a in well a turist trap well more literal then expected we paid and told them if there are any asasins do expect to be a skull in the morning in front of ower dore and there were five of them a feneale and to guys the spine chilling noises in the room were suprizingly good deturent as we got a smuther skin and ower ears became more drow like alongside the ability to now flote at will , we left the skulls outside of the dore picked clean from any flesh or sinew no blood was found in the room as we rested very well , as we exited the inn they saw ower sharp maws as we asked for diner since the snack the other night was nothin much we alsaw paid them for it and we went around the place and then we passed by his famaly since we are famaly they were plesently suprised as we passed by them well at least they tried to not make us fell not distrespected due to the aura we have around here as i pwrsonaly had around adapted the ambrahulck eyes into a charm like afect as i can make a hard cover form over my black squishy eyes we talcked and we were invited in as we learned of theyr son's ambition to see more then wath its here and such we learned of any problems they maight have sent him that now its no more then snacks for them we stayed with them for a short wile as we then exited the drow area of the underdark as we stolcked the abominations of the mind fleyers as the drow told us we hunted and hunted as we aquired mental powers to a lesser degree but well more of them will fix that we bowth talck threu ower mind its rather usefull as we wandered the underdarck we managed to get some wild driders for food and now we can use the threds sintesizing them from a special organ in ower wrists as we made a cocoon we prepared a nice sleaping bed and we went to rest.