as we walked through the caves we saw and tasted many different dangerous species as we feed new tricks that we learned from them, there were waves of the mind flayers coming for us since we started systematically hunting loners of their groups or the Beholders beacons those things are really tasty even if they lost their special eye the anty magical eye as we wandered the dark depths I saw with Lucy met a proper Beholder with the magical negating eye he watched us as we grew to approximately twice his size and then tear him apart eye stock by eye stock as he was screaming and crying to the gods due to ower powers I managed to assimilate one aspect of their being the essence that allows them to just create stuff like the little gazers or such things Lucy now can use different eye powers all except the anti-magic unfortunately I made sure to not dream of things that may cause to much havoc well except ower new other she had a human shape with one eye and eye strokes sprouting from behind her at first she was hostile but she mellowed about after we thoght her the meaning of love ahem famaly her former freal form now was like a amazone as she was a teen size at first as tiem went the mutations increased her strengtht and body as the meditation that i thoght her was enoth to keep her from losing her curent form as any aditional mutations will stay hiden untill she neads them the next day i made her a partner in a similar way but this time she subdewed him as he was converted to ower side then we left them to making a home in the underdark as i gave them the neutralizing agent for the t virus so it changes in the zerg gene so the benefit will be maintained without the daingerous virus yes they are imune to it from now as we left the underground many monsters were harvested as we loled elvish as ower mental power is very usefull many hunts were cut short wen they got to a rather daingerous situation or the way in setalments being eased due to the languege barier being now null we spent aproximativly ten months there as we enjoyed ower vacation and such we arived to see the town being filled with undead of the life spectrum soem horobly mutated and we saw thrue ower ten kids yes we acknolege theyr parners as ower kids the hole town changed and still mutating they told us that it started wen a noble pupet wanted to kill one of them due to greed due to the aluring aparance one of the meales had and yes he was a man relly fat and ugly i relly dont blame them as the infection started as he got himself acrwched from wen he grabed one of them i saw the pile of flesh that represented him wile we enterd the town i started checking for any leackes of ower kin and if any of them were missing so they wood not spred there was a talck with the sun order to keep people away so it may not spred the idiotic beasts at least lisened to us as ower viral perfection demanded i took care to not lose any of them as i with the kids and Lucy made minced meat out of them and then ate all of them as we proceaded to burn the remaining traices of blood and viral compownds the sun worshipers saw the hole town burn to ashes as the giants in the midle meditated and slowly shrincked to a more managable size as then they proceaded to gather stone and mud and new plants as to start maiking the graveyard for all the dead due to the gready noble people were solome and the reson was one folish man as such we claimed this land for us so no woan will bother us as we dont desier to spred ower gift the king was notified to the actions of one of his foliah and gready sons he morened but he was alsaw worned so this may not acure once more as they will now send and bring back exchainges of usefull information and other things as we as hunters are quite long lived , as such we lived and went on arens taking car of things as we grew and as thing went we grew and afrer few years we colected enoth genes magic genes and other energys in this world except that from gods well not directly at least and then we saw a dore open as the hole hunter town now was mising as i relocated it to the inner verse as i grabed Lucy that was absobed by Crona since she wanted to fell her replacement for this litle adventure as i asimilated with my counterpart as ower sons and dothers have a new chalange in the inner verse as we went to my bed room were we took a nice sleep.