I woke along with the others as they made quite raucous since the little demon lord is fully recovered and got adapted to her new body which has some modifications since well I am always going to have backups even of myself I did take care to tell her the new abilities she holds onto while I got myself an upgrade to my energy engine becoming a reactor similar to hers while I wandered the consequences of her leaving with me I then made a copy of her that was modeled into a doll changing a bit her appearance as I installed some small numbers of adjustments wile I molded a control core as it became a bracelet with the core within it after that I went in search of him to give both the doll and control bracelet as I explained in detail to bot stick his meat stick in it since it's not alive and it has a trap in those spots while I told his partners the situation and that I am taking Klem away with me to a different world and I am taking my leave in a few days as I cane close to the elf's bow at wich i changed it to a better version of itself wile i gifted the tamer catgirl with an unique pupet as she contracted it they saw it shape shift to a smaller cuter form that can be carried around at wich she did so as i was sean getting my skin thiner and thiner untill only my marble skin was visible they all saw as my horns grew wile my mouth turned into a maw as around me a blue hase started to spread more and more untill i spred my large wings as Klem came to me i got to carry her in e princess carry as they saw the smoke like substance forme a tunnel and i with Klem exited on the other side as i enveloped us in my wings as we bounced a bit i saw that we arived and the people around saw from the globe of complete darkness too wings formed i checked around as the humans and some aliens ware sean i covered by marble visage as i pointed to the mecsnicle creatures as theyr metal formed burst in flames and after few screams and yels of pain i saw too femeale bots were obsereved as the organic matter was purged i checked the memory and added the update wile i turned to the doctor and others i came in contact with the darleck prizon as the next moment it did a similar action to the mecanicle beings becoming a femeale of substantial size still a bot as i gave all thre of them some disquises by flesh blobs then i turned to the dock as i tood him to follow and then on the way i fixed the new ciberman's into ciberpeople as i reqched the breach in space my litle Klem saw many new things she had stars in her eyes as i pointed at things as i explained from the bannal to the fantastic i did deactivste the conversion mecsnisms , i took care to not allow any new deaths as the ciberman hive mind was being ceansed and overhaled as i fixed the fealing of coled on the converted as i broth them to a new better form i then expanded the mirror dimension were i sent them to be patient untill i am recoled by prime i then tood the dock i will close the crack as the last ciberpeople was in my mirror world the dock was rather curious asking questions i broth a darleck to me as he saw it oppen i formed a biologicle doll a humanculus if you may say and threw it inside as the caseing closed and after i ding a loly with one eye alongside with dreadlocks made of tendrils and a smile she streched and then asked me to change s bit her armore as i resulted in a femeale medieval ish armore with one eye it opend and she limed in the chest at wich i gave her a flesh blob that modeled itself as a human form with only one eye long hear dreadlocks and a iron maden clothing as i sent her to my mirror wolrld the docktor was shoked but the next moment was even more as i closed the crack wile no suction forse wa felt i sent the necesery peope to keep the timeline somewath stable wile i used the stored energy as i with klem and the mirror left this world as he wavhed my eyes flicker with the sight of the time stream itself as we vanished the next moments from theyre sight after wich me and Klem come to a scene filled with many creatures each and single one of them were rather strange they are yokai of all difrent tipes i as i walcked with her in my embrace as she saw many creatures the languege was automaticly translated as i saw a normal man walck around i asked if by chance the celebration will start soon at wich he smield and tood me that he will go to it since his wife is the dother of the individual in charge of this fabulous ocasion i kept with him and the other yoki i alsaw gave free rane for my Familiers to rome the small town as they kept in the safe zone a few miels from me since my translater aura is only of that distance as i took my time talcking with him thee were questions from the other yoki as such i answers them like wath tipe of yoki am i only for them to feel a dark presence as my marble skin formed milions of mouths after i placed Klem on a seat she was happy to wach so many new things and the bag filled with sweats did help keap her from running all over i took care to not allow any daingerous thing to happen to anybody in my presence it was wuite the taxing crest to carve on my new made ring as i kept with him there was a in as well we both with gold for untill the celebration is starting we joined as a opd fart walcked on the way to his throne i was still in my barble form with my jagged grin and between my teath plasma of s neutral temperature exited it as it formed right behing me a pare of wings and a halo anybody who came in contact with it by curiosity or dare got burned well the sensation of burning but no damage as it wod be impolite and the crest warcks very well the phenomen was duly noted and promotly ignored since they felt the effects was grater on kids and inocents the pain of any hamfull action is neutralised as it was posible done i took care to not spred my will around so i wood not bring terror alongside myself the metal backpack was replaced with a neckless and the handmiror on a strap horisontsly on my waist as my side bits held the belt from moving or soo my Familiers dressed acordingly to the locals i too had a such aoutfit so dose klem she met with Erma they got along there was the shock wen he acted like a proper granfsther to her i felt it hi is strict a true monster but at the same time who dosent like grankids heh theyr faces was rather funny things went well and there was the time wen the building rose up then i felt the queen and after a bit of fus the king comenced the festival at wich we went to do a polite bow to the too roials not like the weacklings but enoth to show respect we then went to enjoy the festivities keeping evrithing safe and so at the end of it some were a bitt of since no ijuries only tierdness was prevslent the building on the other hand had broken walls and such nothing to couse the building to colspse during the recovery period i did feal some drama happending and a small gathering of energy of the old king , i had to make some clothes for the continuation of the festivals and so the march started all dressed well with the kapa and his wife on the chear of honor with the rest coming alongside the town returning to rest as creatures wandered thrue the forest as we passed the brige with the foxes parade passing on the other brige a momentary stop and we continued we passed thrue a town and so the parade went i with my familiers seaprated as we had enoth we gave a gift to Erma as we left they entered my handmirror as i caried Klem on my sholders wile we opend a new portal we walcked as we saw some more humans with difrent aperences or ability's my flesh was reaplied to not couse panick my horns still there thou we enjoyed the food and such i saw a kid with grean hear and some others i felt the things around i Klem the liberty to pool me to any place and i answerd any questions wile i crafted a elaborate tool in the shape of a pendant for her ta were she saw and with stary eyes placed it on her neck we then kept having fun as i showed her some things she missed i opend the next portal as we arived on a iceland were i serched and found a good place to make a temporary home since this iceland has a low number of people and since my mirror world has been stuffed with wildlife from the world i got Klem we are self sustaining i moved to the bed as i with klem tiered went to sleap.