298. living a bit in a calm place.

I woke with Klem and my chest as I started to prepare the food and such while I gathered enough wildlife for food and when the smell came woke her up and we ate acter wich j made normal clothes and a structure to make her resemble the horns being part of headbands after which we made ower way to the place as I saw many chocolate skin people some if they were cute and very normal I explained Klem the questions she had as I went to the Maier as I registered ourself's as I both the land around my home and we kept building up I with Klem visited all the interesting people we visited a home that had a space ship near her house we saw a three-legged cyclops and a to legged four-eyed big guy we showed up and waved ower hands they just acted as it was normal some devices on his body activated as he became alarmed and well we walked off as we went to a diner I gave Klem some rules and a power seal in the shape of a belt as I sent her to learn at school as I visited the insane sientist and the guy who keeps a wach on him , i saw stich he wa suprizingly adorable i did take care to analise his genes and to hunt for all the sealed monsters without coming in contact with any H20 so they may not unseal as the next time i came to them i broth my marble colections all each and single one of them being a monster made by him i changed each and one of them making abit more tame and home protective i cleansed any ill made programing as i colled it i showed the insane saientist that fricked out since all the barbles had to black rings around them then with a smile i spille water over all of them as then i thrue them on the ground each and single one of them awakend as they turned to theyr father as they hugged him at wich he was distroth then they turned to me as then they bowed as they spoke in unisence we desiere a purpose and we will help with wath we are got at plese show us the way. At which the's creature got surprisingly angered as for my form had a temporarily show like a horizontal band of ten centimeters rapidly pass from my feat to the top of my head showing them a glimpse of my being during this Klem was at school learning with normal people know alongside with normal human logic to get her accustomed to humanity, after my little show I just smiled as I walked around finding jobs for the little buggers as I have a large amount of money which I used for them to be entertained and have things to do so they may not go bored or sick while I checked on the day by day I felt the energy from Stich slowly deplete as it started affecting his mind I was contacted by the old fart since I am the second individual with the expertise to modify his creations even if he hated that I did such in the first place and I went to he was glitching and so I came at my earliest convenience wich was me flying over the sky's as I tackled the little blue monster as then I enveloped him in my wings as i invaded his genes and broke the one dependent on the energy as i gave him one similar to myself to survive with my own energy the baisic one found even here he now is capable to stop the absorbtion or accelerate it wile he got a gem were his forhesd is of a deep blue my eyes were still on his form untill the black mass was forming tatoos all over that receaded in his gem to be called apon wen neaded on the other side Klem got herself some freans the girl that takes care of Stich i thinck she called her Lilo or something i made moust of the metal heads humanoids even the darleck diminitive humanoid forms bowth femeales and males were maid all cute and deadly as a nuke if in theyr suits as wen not you need a gun if not carefull still smart and deadly but not as much perfect new people at least by my standing i did alsaw updated theyr thincking bits as a ork wood say , biting the hell out of the ones that still didnt want to lose theyr purity as they atempted to tell me at wich i showed them that the mutation i so kindly gifted to them the swuid is masses with brains and s single eye theyr desiere for exterminations ended only in smokes as now they crave distractions from theyr past mistakes as i gave them a entiere mass of game fanfiction and much more they organizided themselfes after theyr individual preferences and started a debate ware sunce i forbid them to kill each other if not they wood fell the terror residing in 40K hehe i did pool some demons in that world for me to use as materials for some of my rezistence agentse the warp fuckery as i alsaw conected myself to it as i started forming my own spiritual form like a warp chaos god at the begining it will not do much as it will keep feading on the emotions i feel but wen the process is complete i will be capable of my own warp version of theyr fuckery with the material plane well at least with the ones i am in untill prime takes me back i did note the world we visit get s bit changed some for better some for worst but i hope the latter has not acured just yet the beackons are still active and i still feel theyr presence undetected ,i saw Klem the other day battle with a large bypedal creature he was ragdolled all over the forest before he fsinted his partner just loked wile munching on a sandwich i did take care to heal and ask for his boss to get myself s small fluffy wight thing i seald it in a hamster ball with s sound barier and no way to get himsef out of it even as its practicly indestructsble no energy can be expeled or taken in with no food requirement no more he will wach evrithibg go by day by day as he is in a criostasys he will die at the moment the world itself will , i then hiered them the too former hunters since i have alwredy colected all the monsters in this isolated dirt pile surounded by the waters i did enjoy the few yers here as before we go we went to sleep for the night.