336. assimilating with cell junior.

We arrived and I took the little cell junior in my hands as I entered his body assimilating his genes and weak forming will I finished becoming one as I shaded the useless exoskeleton and changed the pattern on my body no more helmet thing and no remnants from cells previous forms Tricky hugged me as I got a pair of underwear on she quite enjoyed the new look I had as slowly black creep covered my body, clothes a pair of shorts and a T-shirt I hugged her back as the tale was still there a bit more streamlined and strong resembling instead of the stinger a mask with a maw as wen I retract it a face mask formed as the shoulder plates and a bit lower on the spine the lower jaw wen formed together I can make it whenever I want and shoot it to bite bits from anyone I want I was kept in her lap as she sat on a cloud seat it was more like a couch as the body was adapting the excess exoskeleton plates are absorbed or well discarded after they are drained of all useful energy we were safe as the poket dimension needs only a small peace of myself to be well considered autside of it we left the poket dimension with out my first form we emerged were gohan and cell were traidinghis last blasts and afte few minutes it ended cell was me and Tricky apere outside of the blast raius with a suprised look sine thenbody aged a bit but still resembled him at least in face the erth defenders loled at me i opend my eyes as a smile resembeling cells was visible i mimiked his voice as i congraculated temnon kill my father as try were all sweting i chukled and ten burst out laffing as my voice returned to a more chieldish form as i then snaped my finger they were all showered in a golden light wile theyr wonds healed and they saw the terrain fix itself wile the corpses were sumoned in front of me all damaged yet in a humanoid position i snaped my finger once more as they were restored the android was almoast there i snaped once more as the body's opend theyr eyes i left them to hit the ground they were weacker then the start but a good trade off i snaped my finger once more as were the platforme was a house formed the size of a mounten it was build from i waves my hand as they somehow followed my lead all speachless Tricky enjoyed the show i made ower way to the main room were i took my seat on Tricky's lap the others loled at each other as they took a seat my aura was quitestrong yet not like my body's father they saw as creatures of many tipes and formes broth food all having serthen ky signatures all dark yet not evil some wich are quite positive and suething food was served in large quantety's Satan was here as well wile the reporters were recording they all checked the food atempted to rezist but ate reluctantly at first to just enjoy and keep eating Goku was the moast confused since he knew there were only the dragon balls to revive but well new things happen each day during the meal Vegeta got to the end of his fuse as he stood straight and asked me non politely who am i since they saw gohan kill sll the cell juniors i smiled and told them before you wet him mother the one holding me in her lap aproched him and asked for a clean sleathe of one of his cell juniors for her to raze as her own since as all they can see she is a member of the undead famaly and sadly she dose not recognise the undead creations as her children as such she raized me the unique entety born from her power and that of cells flesh with none of the madness that was instiledbby the good doctore i did take care to not go on the same route as he but well i showed them my tale with the mask grinning as then it retracted back sile Tricky huged me back she was very happy to the story she will play out she then spoke a bit with them asking of theyr adventures and such her voice was plesent to the ears if not a big rough but still femeale they were quite cute as they talcked i moved the clowd seat so i can seat on her lap the sweet droped as they noticed the bone plates thst were growing similary to cell but a lot more cool i still had my face towords them as i tood them of the future threths along with the things i want to colect from them to finalize a progect that i started i gave them they were questioning wath exacly i want i told them the power levels they need to reach to have a chance along with the moment they must do sethen acts to soeed things up i gave them some tecknicks for all of them to use as in the folowing yers i got evill boo the ones marked by bobedy except vegeta and some unique beings i devowered them as i lerned theyr magic skills and bloodlines wile i prepared and analised the best version of the blood lines i with Tricky left as they were prepering for the last turnament they were suprised wen i made a garganta as me and Tricky left to wich we arived home were i fused with prime and Teicky absorged the gene sfere i gathered from the previous worlds then Tricky with Crona and the other girls came to sleep in my bed with me at the botom of the pile.