337. the next adventure.

I woke and I felt power coursing around inside myself and all over I enjoyed it I craved to satisfy my sloth, envy, greed, joy, belonging fury, gluttony, lust, faith, wrath, and every last sin and vertew's even as I can identify only my bad trade's the others tell me of my good ones I opened the door as I reached the tv room where I sat on my seat while some of the girls that still like me they entered the room as some took their seat around my own as I reached the tv remote I pressed the right buttons as then I pressed the next buttons to set the cam on some of my cells that I pooled out some other fragments of my soul with the cells as a base I formed a single avatar he looked quite large I took inspiration from tricky as she saw a large-boned guy a bit fat chubby even he was wearing a sweater and long pants after which I equipped him with a doctor jacket a pair of glasses as his face no lips and skin untill his neck the colore of the sweter reached on his full neck i then saw him chuckle as he bowed towords me i saw the tv respond properly as we saw my Big noned Tricky with a belly of a cosidereble size his legs and hands were large enoth to make him large and harmess if you dont see his jaged teath that are curled in a rather large smile wile his eyes glow a deep red wile he sent no malice or any evil fealings i snaped my finger as he saw a door on his size form he waved his hand as he entered it , as then we saw , i took the first strp thrue the door as i checked around the cells prime fave me molded three idependent templates within myself if i desiere my forme will shift my second form is a deep reed overly mucled state of this form were my teath grow sharperb and my finger become claws as me with my tows the same i took my steps as my last forme aserted its presence as my clothes changed colores from the wight lab coate and long pants turned blood red wile the t shirt became blue a deep contrast between them as my green skin turned grey the i streched and got redy i loked around to see a forest all quite beutifull but i smelled quircks god dam it he sent me here he cood have sent me to warfrsme or any other world were incsn gather powers to make a world traveling power or something on those lines i walcked and after few strides i reached a town a number of humans with bowth normal and strange looks were there i changed my normal glasses to black as i went around some were suprised at my look some heroes wanted to mess with me but a single glare made them fell on theyr buts wile theyr hear turned wight and didnt move since well untillbsomeone tuched them for then to see the heroes cry and run for they saw madness of the worst kind aka i sent them to the madnass combat world for a few yers with no powers and only with theyr skills wile a clone of my fom more like the original hunted them at each step of theyr growth alweis stronger and wen they got close to the end i joyfully laffed to theyr plite many tried to stop me all theyr faits the same i still gathered power's copied and analised thm dismanteling and remaiking them to my uses any who glanced at me they grant me acces to theyr powers as i can make a copy and then marck them so i dont try to copy it once more i kept walcking enjoing the day as its sunny the birds sre singing and the flowers are blueming my smile scares any who gase apon it not maliciusly but well like normal i saw wuite the number of heroes and even some villens try to chalange me i only loked apon them as they saw the same fate the others lived thrue the ones that lived thrue it had one of too reactions be gratefull of theyr situation or they never wanted to see any normal humans hurt

and such I did like wen never tried to warn me to not cause any trouble to only meet with his father and such things happened I met with all might the symbol of evil and Deku they all were curious people good at hart if nor rather misguided I passed to meet with other I finished when I got a guy with smoke for a body or something sine on his neck was a brace I finished with the quick grab and walk they saw me snap my finger as I just opened garganta since I like how it looks I passed through it to reach a wretched smelling underground I walked and saw the place were the human usually fell I fell on the flower bed were few minutes after a skinny female fell on my large belly she got her with as my hear rose she saw my Grimm smile as then she saw two hands grab her by the sides as I rose to my ass I placed her on my lap as I felt her tremble I enveloped her in a warm hug as after a bit she got calm I then released her and sat her on my sholder she was quite small in my hands i then started walcking passing by the monsters in the underground i met with toriel she was not stable i huged her with healing magic and mental stabilizers i calmed her down untill she stoped struggling in my embrace i smield as i snaped my finger plants gree out of the flower paches the plants grew and made food monster food as theyr unique biology and soul was alwredy asimilated and reconstructed to feat my forms i then wandered with her after i got some frutes we arived at the table were we ate i felt a eye on me i told her that the new plants will regrow once per hour and can be made in many taisty things dished and other things i talcked and we went out of the ruins with a now a lot more sain person i made my way with miss scaredy cat as she was coverd in a jacket nade by me we saw sans he was hurt one side of his skull broken i grabed him by his sholders and huged him doing similar things to toriel as i saw him regenerate the missing peace of his skull then i left him on the snow as i alsaw filled his magic reserves at the same time his hunger was satieted then we saw papyrus arive he was a head toller then me wile sans reached my waist as i met him he was a bit unstable i did the same prosegure wile adding liberal amounts of hope as then we talcked and arived at the snowed inn i took my place next to the former crismass tree were i plunged my hands in the frozen ground as the next moment moast of the monsters saw the tree grow and fruits of many shapes and sizes grew from is as i made a sing with its growing rate and harvest requirements then i with the girl on my sholder continued ower way maiking a form of sustinence in each location as i reached Unding throne room she was prepering to batle to only recive a hug like the others as she strugled the spears that she sumoned under me only passed right thrue with no harm done to me as i healed her compleatpy i left her on the ground with her emotions fixed she realise wat has happend i grow some more food plants as i reached the barier were i fell the soul remanents that i absorb then make some more and the barrier broke i left the girl to do as she wishes as i enter a new gargant.