Wen, I woke I felt the want to beat some humanoid heteromorphs as such we prepared opened the door and we appeared in a town I went to a forest were we commandeered an empty home in the middle of the words I made it easy to get it under ower name when your partner can mind controlling a wilder beast I have got my hands on some version,s and they tried to do bad things. had them studied and the drained to be snacks for my Karen she liked the different flavors I have got to meet Nick along with Karen she got used to the futuristic technology and such the blood and souls did help I have managed to make myself a dampile a half vampire but with the original bloodline I am a now quite stronger than before but to Karen, my blood became even tastier, We got visited by Nick his mother and his vasan friends he nocked and we were currently having ower daily wrestle the minor tremors made it obvious there are living creatures there they were not expecting a naked marble angel when the door was opened and it just stopped moving they looked at me and when they turned to each other to confirm what they saw I deciphered and closed the door I got clothed and the next moment I returned to normal as they noted the door closed then reopened with my normal look they recognized I was the marble angel and then they came over to ask for help for a problem I have gotten my hand on nick he was expecting me to say yes then i told him if there is a problem i will help but now well my miss is waiting and we dont originate from your world even if its destroyed we can just jump to another duplicate of it to do wathever we want the reson you dont have books about us is that we dont exist in your world we are unique unkileble entety,s and we are bowth as daingerous as the last villain that killed all your freands is and even more and remember the ultimate power of blood for a grimm is famaly and dont forget it ya panzy bye i have to shake the erth , they were gobsmacked and Nick,s mother tried to stop me she and Nick got a face to face meating with his mother i streched and finaly arived at the door i snaped my finger and they saw a energy dome then tremurs started once more but to the outside stoped wile the erth in the dome continued moving they were well upset is the least of theyr wories well they left after few more minutes we had ower fun and discused about things , we had fun waching them wile enjoing owed tine here and saw quite then live show wile we wached the maraton we felt it quite fun messing with the bad guys or Nick himself and so days passed and we rested.