I woke as Nick with all his surviving friends arrived I saw them get in the girl was scared of us both beings above her power but friendly she said we are stronger than the main problem which is arriving here when he arrived and tried to destroy my new small home he felt gravity until I walked out I was colla crystalized I got closer with each blink he could not stop blinking as my dust storm made it inconvenient I grabbed him and like a stop motion movie hulk I kept beating the hell out of him until the magic stick fell off his hand then nick grabbed it and impaled him I then woke in the house watching a movie with my Karen as I remembered he got the magic stick and life went on we got visited by them the Grimm and his family his mother alive this time and his trailer hidden appeared with all his knowledge and stuff we had fun learning from it and making some duplicates and recipes for reproducing synthetically the materials along with the liquid and its two versions along with the drawbacks we prepared and left as the next time they got it main-wile i got my hear long and it became a storing interspace to a duplicate me from a aperient parallel world were i am a female funny she has the same powers i got my hands and sent her meseges we liked talking between eachother she told me she has a Kevin and he too was a vampire original wile his dracula is a Dracila quite funny we even made ower two partners meet they were flabergasted and curious i have looked at my other self and saw bloor vivid red hear slowly darkening collor untill it reached a black colore at the tips of it she smiled a simple and frankly normal smile she smiled her clothes werequite sexy redy to do wathever she desires she shows me her plans eary similer to my own i have prepared and well we left go the next place i have went about the day and we left arriving at a zomby infested world Karen and i arived on the roof of a building as this world it transzisting to the next era the Fantesy era we went to the best spot had gstherd humans and cleard some zomby,s and then established lands and such ending with few hundred humans in front of bowth of us i dont need blood but kerans is the best i have made a rotation so we can see wich blood taists best and soo we bred them they were u willing but a mind washing and so on the small kingdome grew as we made new vampires as guards and protector,s my spaceship bow being rather usefull for electrocity and nolege to advance my small comunity.