I have been living here for a nice bit of time as the sayans on the planet did battle with me for training and such Vegeta tried to get me as a subordinate since he perceived me as a Sayan I smiled that day then he saw the most grotesque of things as my body opened up showing him all the modifications and reinforced organs I got the prince quite put off then the next level of freaky was the purple-black symbiote mass that got Vegeta very surprised and he was stunned trying to process looking into the purple mass when I was done I then resealed myself and with a kind calm smile left hehe it was rather funny he will never forget it but well I digress he asked me why I am not coming after them and way am I just living in a bone white and metal plated house I smiled and showed him my hole house the insides of it are biotechnology he saw the insides and the way it functions my constructs just live as maids and such easy to replace and they look cute I was visited by bulma she was curious how did i change her on a geneticle level alomg with the sideeffects i listed them as needed : Need for traning need for battle and need for more food with taking vare to not look at the moon and that is about it wen i looked it went very cool i became huge power escalating and my form looks so cool a giant Ape i had ten tales not only one of a monky but ten each tale has purple marks and end with blades i smiled and panic was ashured i smiled and thats all i had heard a voice then a atempt to be taken over as i participated in the turnament i have got the energy harvester then with a ki impuls i felt the magic feedback as such i flee over as i arived Dabura tried to battle me he was a nice snack then i flew inside the light eater was tasty and the lomg headed finaly i loomed over bobidi he was shaking as my tall slender and grim form grabed him by the head and broght him closer he was shaking i started by infesting his hole existence with my ki and symbiote finaly taking all his powers knolege and potential for magic finaly i loked over buu,s egg i started covering it and entering it seaping and absorbing the buu mass witch is just inactive yet still contaning the datta for my growth it endded wen my form changed skin turning purple hear growing longer then i compresed and took the form of Jhon Doe,s twin purpoe heard insted of the red acents i resemble him but my clothes is quite similar yet difrent a fusion of my bracelets and ankle braselets i look normal but wen i go super legendary sayan i will grow to a large size as my clothes will become tatoo,s well i was done eating the potato and took this ship to my base were i worcked on my new prototipe.