Wile the symbiote Browly is in the dragon ball universe prime prepared another avatar in the MHA universe as I sent the soul fragment and a few powers to make it work then finally the avatar was born to a woman made of stone and a father that is almost all the time covered in a vale of smoke thru venting holes all over his body I felt my emergence as I was looked upon I was locked into a quantum state of stillness they saw me as black obsidian and marble unmoving they saw my form then a slow black fog as a deep red shined from my eyes and mouth causing the mist to glow the doctor was surprised but they noted I was just moving like a normal baby they felt it my stone body became soft at least it seemed and when the shadow got off my surface as they saw the limb it turned to immobility covering the joins instinctively got covered my mist and I started moving once more surprising the doctors and bringing joy to my parents they moved me to my parents which were joyful they are Transylvanian i giggled and then i went on outopilot i slept well and woke wen school started the military and the society made it so they need the quirky people to pass the test and graduate school witch i was at the end of as i woke i ganed the memory,s and skills i basically developed the name of my mutation was called Weaping demon i have developed my mist into such a dark colore that i can absorb light and i can solidify it into dark hands to move if i am fully observed witch is reare wen i am not seen i can move to very large speeds wile wen in halfway with the solid bands of darkness covering my joints i can move about half speed i am about the fourth strongest quirk user in my school i can slightly shape shift my neals and face my claws can cut thrue steel and many other materials my strenght is good enoght to rip a building out of its fundation a demolishan test we are given jobs to help the comunity like demolition and crafting and cultivating helping at farms and such we get pay out of it too quirks were worcked in the society becoming a usefull tool but even a normal human can get a gun and just shoot to death someone so they are nifty but not infalible even we got training with pistols and other things so we can defend ourselfs if our powers are out of comision i was instructed and given a exchange students between our school and the USG they sent a grape headed guy i did learn the languege along with some others to enjoy managa and original cartoons my mind worcks quite fast and and retains evrithing very well and i have felt quite the broken speach i used was quite funny using english to complete my sentences quite funny like the old man from jo jo,s bizare adventure they were suprise as i enterd the school i wear only shorts since i dont freel cold or much pain my body is a bit numb but i can manipulate it with greater ease and i can co contrate it on broken parts untill i tetreve them and reatach them a few of my fingers broke off mom paniked i had instintively numbed the area and reatached the finger after witch i coverd it in my dark mist as i fused the too parts fully restoring my hand mom calmed down rather easely i chukled and my voice yea i did not expect it to be so creapy as i form fully uncoverd i look like a Avrege guy with long hear untill it reaches my ass and my eyes are large circular and freandly wile my mouth is wide and a very creappy but i was tall all together a bit cute if you like to look at marble and obsidion statues or a guy coverd in shadows-mist that can solidify in a dark figure i had few people thinking i was a villain they got weggied or stuck to walls untill they got unstucked i had saved some people from burning buildings by covering it all in my mist solidifying it sufocating theflames and bringing the victims out safely then i just left i was looked at as half of my dark mist was decrompesed and spred to to this feet i had been aproched by policemen and was asked about some kind of lisence i showed them my transfer student card along with my Schools Quirck lisence they talked got a fone call and told me to pass by the temporary hero licence i stored it to my chest polet a crevece i made my shapeshifting grew to be capable to grow taller wile geting thiner or shring to a dworf constitution i was curently on my more thin form my hear allways staid the same and is very usefull for cariing stuff i did met with my classmates they were a bit put off as i at all times used my mist to be capable of movement i explained my quirck and its detraments : Quirck Weaping Demon uppsides :Obsidion and Marble body , no need to breather ,eat ,drink ,can produce dark mist that has varied uses, minor shapeshifting , size manipulation , strenght ,speed and durability equal with the biominar i am made of.
Downsides: I am quantum locked, breakable, and containment can be made by continuous observation if the mist is removed can be turned to gravel no idea if that will kill me, immortal and numbness to both pain and pleasure slight control over it.
They were surprised then the questions were given from day to day about how I cope with my detriments, they saw my mist-covered self the red points witch represented my expresions became a large demonic smile as i spoke : Games and tasty food mostly sweets and others since i a literally marble and obsidian I don't get a cavity,s and cola is useful for cleaning my insides as I opened my mouth they saw a couple spiders come out and hide within my hear as I told them I a really numb to much but I have a very good appetite for battle food and justice it is nice to meet you I am Vladimir Dumitrescu Dragon of Transilvania but they can call me Dum of Transil then I took my seat next to a kid with explosive hear as we saw an orange cattapiler enter ....Erresior quick Hero Erresior head he glared at us as I returned to my immobile state all saw my sculpted body and then the seat and table got crushed under my weight as they saw me fall and my left-hand foll off they were shoked then I was freed to use my shadow , i was ingulfed in mist then a tendrill moved to my hand i reattached it within a moment as i mobilised my solid mist to fix the table and seat i then removed the excess mist making me able to move my joints with solid bands of dsrkness along with my eyes and mouth on the line of the mucles ....i have them but they are alsaw mineral moving like normal only wen not observed just like my limbs as i can controll wen i want some part to be quantum locked and a very small part equal to my finger wen i am observed i have not showen this to anybody yet i want to make it my secret trick alsaw i have no blood or need to go to the bathroom since i can just shapeshift a hole were my stomack is and emoty it fast the mush was tasty but well that is all i have been beight to the quick test and was asked to show my capabilities they saw me sit in the circle my darkmist made a large avatar like skeleton grabbed the ball and threw it they saw it went very fast it stoped at 666,6 km/m pretty fast as before without my quick i only shot about half the speed well quite funny they needed to close theyr eyes for this as wen i was done they opend as they heard the ball fly off but this time well the strenght i used was a lot more since i was free to move the result was about 809.6 km/meter then i was once more stuck they saw from my powers my mist grew and coverd me returning my mobility the remark of this being fun was expected and i shied then i used all my capability,s to win each test from speed jump strenght and throw ball since this time i added bouth my body and solid mist throwing the ball 1300.9 km/meter the only thing i lost since the gravity girl got infinite i chukled at that as i fully solidifyed my form they saw a Gargoil like form with wings and tendrills for suport i chukled as i returned to my seat thrue the window they never saw me change but well like this the first day went.