I have spent a long time cultivating g growing their way so I have a base they can see my minutes did as well as all drones and special xenomorphs and my queen practiced and started to grow as such I marked them for myself, I opened the door and kept adding to my police box, years passed and I had to witnes the foll of this group then the formimg of another then repeat and so on it became a cycle I kept the knowledge of the former groups to give as an inheritance to the next that chose the same zone my police box kept being the center of it I even found and compressed new materials to plate the box very useful and nice looking some drones were lost some were created we have about now then hundred drones and people under me the the bare structure remained and the legends were made about my police box and the teacher with his queen guardian as she has two forms the welcoming form which is of a humanoid and the guardian state a giant xenomorph Empress as she killed any trespassers the making of sects around my poloce box is in serthen periods wile during others they will be turned to drones or food i grew a lot but not enoght i feel i van ascend soon to a hayer planer level i will se another time.