626. Reaching the right plane.

I reached the rupture point then my form condensed to a human state with my xeno tale, claws, and maw translating to close approximations with a lot more power behind them I looked like a male sharp-toothed incubus yet I have none of their traits I felt a second form a form clad in Fur and bone plates my reckless more compact than before more like a five crystal structures forming some kind of circle depicting their desires I do believe they look well, I was dressed in black shorts and black shirt with an axe on my back held by an omega-shaped grip like Kratos I stretched and felt the power move to accommodate my state this reality started to push me out of its grip the box now joining my neckless with my minions and queen I reached a strong point but not enough the force pushed me and with a pentagram I was directed and I popped up in a forest like being formed out of the dirt as I felt it switch spots with my previous place empowered by my remnant energy leaving a close copy to my items behind powerless but researchable by other if so desired so i took a few steps to stumble once more the gravity is supported by laws of training and weight dam it the rules increase the difficulty of things i hate training that's way i chose to have zerg being part of me to have a forever self adapting body but this time i don't have it i need to find this world,s story so i can see if i can adapt or if there are cheats i can get i figured out a way of c ok comparatively fast mode of travel gravity giving me natural weights to lift i stumbled out from the forest and saw civilization it was hard to hear at first but now i can do it clearly my body started changing to my other form making my strengthen reach a constant of five times my previous i can now walk with slight trouble i can even run and my magic it did not change much the efficiency dropped from environmental factors but it is all the same for now i recognised these people they noticed me but i looked od but not daingerous the subeling did help that impresion of my own and now that i took a fury form they outright ignored me as i was some kind of man creature not so rare in this reality i supose the many sapient creatures with capsules did give me the knowledge and fright if i coud not survive in space with ease i walked about for a bit untill i registred the letent energy in all these people in small amounts but it is there i started to drain it from people in trace amounts ebight to get a taste of it i started instructing my cells to make the stuff slowly at first then it kept growing untill they reached a constant stream all but a bit of the new energy was infused in the box and my body wile the rest infused and empowerd the talismans i asked and a few days after i found Bulmas home and we nocked then i heard some screaming and i saw her and a short black heard guy open the door i looked at the sayan and then to bulma i taped my neck and opinted at her like as i spoke they u derstood nothing and i didn't aighter i smiled she was used to hostile acts and she was curious she with Vegeta glearing wating for any events folowed we sat at a table vegeta watched over me as Bulma took voice samples as she showed imiges of things i answerd as needed then she ran thrue the softwere and she gave me a bracelet i taped at it and it activated smild and then spoke .

Me: well this went better than I expected well my name is Nora and I am a chimera I just recently arrived in this world and I am still getting used to the new laws of it and I believe I saw this world at least in glimpses from where I came I will require to find the names and get some blood sample, by the way, the android,s were eliminated?

Vegeta: I haven't met any Androids or battled with any there are two ramekins one is on a tower the other somewhere training and now that you know what are you going to do weakling?

Me: I thank you for the knowledge I am strong enough but not in the manner you know if I am building this body,s strength, and I have a fact for you specifically.

Vegeta: And what is that you got my curiosity.

Me: The only thing you're better than Goku is that you're a better father, and you're a bit smarter than him dam with his dope personality.

Vegeta: I don't have any kids yet.

Me: Yes you don't have kids yet but you will have a boy witch will grow strong and a daughter that will follow a bit from your wife both half sayans and rather strong good luck with your battle I will stay in seclusion if the enemy looks any way like me you can use this medalion to call for reinforcements for damage control you see I like this planet, and I don't want for it to get destroyed for any time soon, Bye good luck with mother days they are quite the beach days.

As I ended my last sentence they saw my furry form shift to a human with the pointy tale and my maw filled with sharp teeth I then grew purple and then with a circle in the front Of me I morphed and passed through the circle he focused on me and he lost me he was surprised as behind me I left about a tenth of my aura which he picked up and focused on it to see it lach on Bulma witch she shivered then the aura started fusing with her ki witch started changing making her unpresentable at least partly he knew this was her repayment and he noticed her body grow stronger and her body grew slightly noticeable only to Vegeta he was patient and noticed the change is gradual as this happened I was in a mountain nearby gokus landing zone were I was sleeping for now.