Well what is he doing now...
Love he is preparing for a so g for his Elanor...
Cool let's watch...
Shure look there is a bothersome fat ball...
Did he curse the eternal dream?...
Yes he did...how do you want to deal with him....
Simple send the Dr...
Shure...waht will we give him...
We got a overlord world that was sent In a loop by a outside force I e just dislodged it from the timeline....we shuld be able to feed it to him...
Are you Shure...
Yes he's nothing special...well for now...
He,s a seed...
Yes so what ..I've crushed hundreds...
But with Ainz,s help he can do a immediate upgrade...
That's what I want..sweetness.....this is going slow...
What of the target...mark him and when he is beaten to a pulp ding the reword...I got a upgraded duplicate of the frostmorn as a bonus if he is good enough....
Yes it's a useful purgatory space I stole from some worthless timeline it shuld work well as his new afterlife...and he will be able to use it at it's full potential...
Fine...what are the others doing?...
The hex are adapting I've tricked theyr grey strain to follow a preprogrammed path ...it should stabilize after they fully turn and keep who try are...due to the doctors efforts...
Good...what of the Undertale character's?...
The usual infusio of non verile T virus and the magic siphons.... inscribed in the virus...
How do we kept them ...
Tteyr monsters try will not lose themselves to virus is made for living not the magic based lifeforms even if try mimik flesh and blood...they will grow...more effort better it is....
Fine then....are you Shure this experiment will succeed?...
Yes...I'm Shure the previous ones didn't have the tower of shapes or the dimensional shapes and the counterpart,s in each of them...
What shuld we do next?...
Simple....send a monster for him to deal alone...after the calculus he shuld be able to consume it...and grow...the memetic agent it harneses shuld bolster his arsenal well...
What if he doesn't...
Then the experiment will be rest...again...
Gulp...what of the thall of all this...
It's nothing I can't allow that pompous sniveling little rat to overshadow me I'm the mad Abomination of the Macabre system!....
I'm not questioning that dear ..
We need you to rest...
Rest?...why ..I'm fine...
I smiled ...eye twitching slightly...
She went and hugged the goat-Lion humanoid thing...cristal horns teeth and claws resting slowly relaxing....
Maybe you're right...
Shuld we set some backups...
Yes dear for his and his friends safety...
This will cut down on the time scale but parallel versions of him shuld speed up the results...
Fine....start gathering some world time lines we have to built at least five ....
Why?.. five?...
Simple plot relevancy...
Blink blink....you just want to put them at each other's necks?...
Yup...what of the main one...
Well that doesn't add up dear...
Why must it evrithing is just slaped together with multiversal glue ... it's not even supposed to exits...
Right but we have to ..
Ding .dong!...
Yes what's up ...
Sorry bro but I need ya to help me out...I accidentally destroyed the pet of my kid...
I started rubbing my seccond set of eyes...the one on my forehead..
What model dofus...
The usual....
Huff .. you're or the son...
Then that will cost you the usual....
Here .....he said and passed me the bag full of compound G....
I said as I pluket the copy of the strain ...
And he grabbed it...
I don't know why he likes em so much...they just living silly puddy ...
Theyr simbiotes Greg they are companions and tools... that's why he likes em ...
Whatever see ya...
He left the simbiote staying put...
I returned...
Was it Greg...
Yes he accidentally killed another simbiote...
How did he do that... aren't they like impossible to kill?...
Nothing is imposible to kill and with greg,s nack at destroying them...I'll be able to reinforce em under any circumstances....
Is the log still updating?...
Yes the Data receiver and transmitter works perfectly...
I smiled....
We're were at?...
Checking over the codon streams and picking the difrent world cores...
How has he managed to get to the tenth dimension?...
Ingenious use of his hands...and energy accumulation in the phantom zone...
You mean he was lucky....
Yes...to wake a next dimensional being is hard...
I know...we bearly woke out own at waht level of dimensions are we...
Last I checked I'm at my first thousand and you're at the pre thousands soon you will wake up to the next...this is fun....
Waht are out power level?...
I'm about 800 dimension power whise while you're at 600 d.p. he reached the tenth....from here it's a fight to the sky...
That power of his is quite unique ..
What do you mean...
Simple more digits of pie he discovers more hands he can use...and depending on the hands number that much more they can be used for... didn't you notice his first set the ones he uses for everything makes nr 3 and the rest are well the other numbers of pie...he didn't try yet to make a stable 10 corner shape in a hand....he shuld be able to...more dimensions he climes more those hands will be able to do even in his third dimension self...
What of it...
When he gets to our level just think how dangerous he will be ....
Uh... that's mind boggling.... anyway who sent him there...I know well you didn't....
Rodcorty he sent him there to get rid of him....
That scumbag ....
Don't worry he is fated to get killed by Vandaly...
He,s adorable....
Yes but we can't adopt him he has a mother ...and he is a momcon...
Can we adopt her then...I wouldn't mind having a cute nephew...hehe...
Nope I don't want you to get eaten by his power...
No asses in here ...