Shuld we send a hero his way...
Nope to cliche dear...
Why ..
You did not design him as a villain...or a hero...
I opend my claw ..I like this's bound to us...all ...
So is Crona,s mother instinct...
I huffed out...and got to a idea...
Want to do something fun...
I opend my eyes...all of them...
Colores cycled and I smiled...
Ow you're in that kind of mood...
Yes...I haven't done something like this in week's!...
I said...
Love are you Shure ...
Yes they didn't capture me the last time they won't this or other times...
Shure..take care...
Want to come?...
Nope dear I must prepere the safety mesures plus I like seeing you going around there...
I smirked...
And tore open the usual spot...looked through and found it...
I Transformed and took a larger form...
A gigantic creature!...
I gave a large rawr!....
The world shuck...
Then from the horizon came out a large sworm of mos tera...
Dear return demon!...
The one controlling the hoard...he was controlling Ultralisks of large proportions...bigger then others...
He was in the form of a vastolord ....he was on his way to fight me...we had clashed many others... it's fun...he is a multiverse cleaner and a strong one...
He uses the Zerg like any other tool...
He was very angry...he was stuck in a woman's body for a while...I didn't mess with his fate...since he managed to erode his way out...
The woman had passed a while after...
I was clashing with him...
Crona was recording I was enjoying this sparing...I was destroying the large creatures he controlled he was periodically sending blasts like cero,s....I was seeing death ...his not mine...he was growing more adept at fending me off...
He was surviving easier....
I opend my maw...chargeing energy and I blasted him off...
Slawghterd and laughed ...this was fun...
I opend my claws and tore the space....around his living planet...then he reformed ahead of me...
Another one...he asked...
Yes buddy you can go to the next like always do you have the goods?...
Yea the mass is there...
He said and floted the planet next to a very large pile of materials...
Great ..that will put a nice dent in my expenses....
What do I clean next?... titans as they were killed alwredy the only one alive Azeroth himself....he is still sleeping you shuld be able to upgrade the world eater ....
Fine thank're the only one to help me after my world's end...even the system can't's stuck in that moment....
No problem enjoy...
I said...his planet passed and was free to do his job...he enjoys it...
I shrugged...then he left...
Returning I was hugged by Crona...
I smiled and opend my eyes....they were glowing softly...
I smiled I feel strength...
And I huffed...
What about...the trubble?...
I asked...
I smiled and I opend my claws...
They fell like the first time I used rip through stone like butte ..when I was just a couple years old...I remember her Chara...she has arose to be a violence god...
Azriel turned into a plant god and Frisk...who was decided as a saint of bowth the violence and plant god...
They are alive...I visit them...I wasn't awere of theyr growth...
Whath shuld I do ..waht shuld I do...
I got my claws they are my strongest... abilities all my alternates have them my claws...the claws of the end...of the destroyer ....of the one that matters...
I smiled ....I opend them...
I felt need ...and strength ..that I have...I need something....
Crona hugged me....she felt it transformation....and my cristalization of my hole being...I'm all it's way ..
My lovely partner is kindness in all of its ways...
But I felt it...were cronatadictions and paradoxes....
I opend my claw...they need to do something....
Love...are you having a episode ?...
Sorry I'm not right...right now...
You will be fine...
I smiled ..and moved closer ....we cuddled between each other...
I opend a claw....
Why ..I grabbed her...claws didn't dig into her...just held pain or suffering....just grabbing her...
She dug herself deeper in my fluff...
This is nice...
I opend my eyes....she did as well..
I relaxed...
Why everything spinning...
I asked...
Love you mite have got a flew...
Me a flew?...I'm the abomination of the Macabre sector ...
Yet you're flesh and blood...he may have figured out how to give you a cold...
That bastard!....
I don't get sick...I'm sick...
I said and puked out a heard of monsters...all illformed and flaping on the ground...
My claws moved and they were reduced to atoms and reabsorbed automatically....
Good my containment protocols still function....I don't need another accident...
Shure...only if that beach decides I'm not worthy then you can let lose a little...she said smilingly....
I chuckled and was coverd by a blanket...
A door opend and tore up...she saw us rest...
Then she screamed...
Nave!..I need your assistance!...
The goddess screamed her lungs out...
Fucking north,s...I muttered....
I ..
Shut it...
What is the meaning of this!...
She asked...
Sick...I'm on my sick day...come back when I feel better...or I'll get annoyed and last time I got annoyed your little Azgard was crumbeking by the third hour...
She shiverd...
She said as she was slowly panicking...
What's happening...
I asked...
Frost Giants...
Just that...
They are very very big...
I opend my claws and then seven fragments emerged ..
Seven beasts with seven eyes four claws and they were there...
They walked to her and I said...
Theyr my best right have seven orders before they fade into nothing...dont get smart or they will make you regret it...
She shiverd...
Understood lord ...
She took them and left...
Love is it safe...
I opend my claws checked the dammage light and easy...
Frisk emerged...but it wasn't mine....
Old man....I'm going to claim they...
She was bound and set on a wall..
Release me....she screamed...
I came closer and loomed over her...