698:Fucking Argost ...

No....not again he became Argost...fuck...why...I tried my best...why dose he delude me so much.... why!....we shuld reset it...

No this one's funny....

Love why...

You know even you have some Argost in you....

Huff...yes...we all like our claws..white fur and classic villain role it's useful...

So does all other of you do...

Gives up...

Fine I'll not reset this once...it's fine he isn't making all his self,s I to Argost,s...maybe I can eradicate just that one...


Why did you slap my hand..

I told you no...don't mess with him..

Why...he is my creation...

But he is funny don't mess with him..




Fine love..I promise I won't mess with him..

I love you ...

It's emotional blackmail...

Yup and you're the best for allowing it...

It doesn't help you're just perfect for me...

Yes and darkside called...

What did that shrimp ask this time...

Coff..coff.. he wants another enemy...

What did he do this time...

Defeated superman all father Zeus and a few more ..

Uhu...tell him to...

He also told me he has something for this trade...

Spit it .

The Argon core it's finished..

I purked up...the funking thing is done...

Yes...he said he will trade it for a enemy that he can't defeat with ease...

Hehe...he will regret it...

I figured but remember don't overdo it..

Yes ...

I pluked from the ether a Shogoth...and molded it gave it shape and property transformed and solidified...

Before eyes stood Sunkiller ...a being that is made to be hard to defeat...and to be as such we made him unkillable unless he is inconvenient....hehe...I threw it at the apocalypse....

Darkside...met the Sunkiller ...

Chara opend her eyes...

Ooh ..a big guy let's kill it brother Sun...

Affirmative Killer...

There that should keep him busy...

Now the reword...the core...perfect...it fits nicely in my collection...and a function less to do to keep the death orb stable...hehe...

I laughed ..feeling slowly more free from the prison I accidentally made for myself...even if it's keeping everything I own safe...and my Cronoa...

I hugged her...

What's next...

Few more hardships for our deer Dr. Sanguis...

Fine what do you have in mind...

My fragment is being obstinate about ascending...let's force her to do it and course some damage around...

Are you Shure...

Or we make her confront him...he is rather...a bit tiny bit...yandere..what...

Ow hell...that can go very good or very fucking wrong...


Let's do it...body insecurities...what else...I asked...

Nothing I don't need my fragment traumatized....

Fine...a few minutes things..and everything should be right...

I opend the rift...shifted and settled the triggers...good... something else waht else I'm alwredy exited....he he he...


I shifted my back tendinitis they move in excitement.....I stoped and looked over the shift....

Love are you fine..are you having a episode...

I'm..ow... everything stoped....and I fell...

Sorry I got exited for some reason...I wold do much for something tasty...

Here love...she got me a chocolate...I ate it...and fell on my back...

Love what,s wrong with me...

Nothing you're just hyperactive sometimes...

And then forgetful other times...

Yes....you are love...that's what I love about you ...never change...

I don't think I can ...I'm growing stronger each moment...but my mind...even if my will is a bottomless sea...I'm still affected like this...

Yes it's fitting the lord of the Macabre space the safest and most calm world...is my back yard...they feet of my madness...but that doesn't exist...

I can get unhinged....but ..hehe..I know how to do ..this ..

I went to the room I emerged...by form kept growing....Cronoa came as well growing larger...she became a light titaness...I a black many eyes thing...that had the siluette of a humanoid ram headed two horns...and seven eyes...I gin and she smiled...we hugged and the Macabre sector was above us...floating ...we did some tuch ups ...cleaning and settling some materials...

I smiled...as I settled the solar fule back in the star,s we grew by us...

I was called over by Cronoa we were observing...the planet...it was rather...off...

We looked closer...and then we talked a little bit ....we then saw the planet fade...then return...more advanced ...

Ugh...that's...not normal...

It faded and returned several time during our discussion ...

I opend a eye glass and took a better look as we saw the planet stop ...then shift...and grew into a large robot....

Cute toy...want to have it over...they shuld be advanced enough....

Nah they to young still..


We can hear you...

And you're still to young...

I said...

Were million years old...

Definitely to young...I said...

Return when you're so old this whole universe ended and was re ignited fifty times..over...

They were bewildered....

I think they're shocked love...

Damned right they shuld be were like gods...before them the bacteria lifeform in the black pool we call a universe...

Sparks came out of the bot,s head...

I think I broke it ..

Hopefully not...theyr quite cute...dear Manuel ..

I'm a goat...

Yes yes...let's give them a hand...

I smiled..

We both used our power and fixed the dammage and gave em a bit more leway through some more tech...

They then fazed out...and reapered in a few months...

How are you...I asked... curiously...

Adorable....said Cronoa...

They grew a bit stronger...

Yes...we managed to use all the gifts you gave us to theyr maximum output...


I smiled and patted the head of the large construct...

Do not mess to much...this is our territory you're a resident...you can use the empty worlds...and meteorites..don't mess with them...

Alright Lord Osirius ....

Thank you Titaness Cronoa...

They went to a quadrant of space...I made some matter and sent it theyr way easier to intercept...

They grabbed it...

It's exotic matter use it with restraint and prudence....

We thank you ...

They said ..with gratitude...

Good theyre nice...

What type of matter did you give them...

Vibraniun and traces of demiron ...I want to see if they figure it ....I smiled..

Good... I said as I comenced the form folding...so did Cronoa with her titaness form we turned to our human statures...