I looked over the wicked one...
He's been growing his Realm... Tree types of void ... and a Anty void base of the realm... is he Tring to grow that aspect.... that's dangerous for others... Fine then. What do you say .
What were....
Over here...said Cronoa holding a Brave puppy....
Purple with black mack's....
He is cute...so we shall call him Brave ..
Brave the scared dog....hehe...cute...well he's ours now.
I patted his head... truly adorable....let's hope he grows strong....I smiled...
A gate opend yes tribunal what do you need...
We have come to a decision.....
On what matter...
The one about the world ender Brave...
He then noticed the dog...t that's....a puppy....
I'm in the wrong temporal line sorry we will continue this talk in a short while...
He said... shivering...
I huffed ....
For me sake he is so stressed....I opend my claws and scratched behinds his ears...making him beat his leg....
Hehe.. .cute...
I opend my eyes glanced at the new addition to the Argost Realm... .it's stable balanced and .... the void,s are mixing.. .the indifference is consumed by the black and the dragon is feeding on the excess energy nibbling on a root... the ants groom it well and theyr hive it's growing..
The first Planetary ring is healthy and safe the next is doing just as well...the supports are safe.... good... what of the rest...TARDIS motel and restaurant is fine with Amir and Cyn,s drone friends...and a body is working there with the Doctor...
The castle of nightmare is well lived in with new housing and such...
Ainz,s base has grown nicely a Cyn is there as well.. .I looked to see the rest of her bodies working on her eight body.... close to completion she is eager to show me her new form. ...I guess ...
Huff... everything is fine. ...were is this.. .Azula ....in Valkyre form ...is feels familiar.....
Love come here...
Yes ..is this one of yours....
Cronoa saw... no.. .it's not mine but it's a soulmate with sanguis .... resonance is strong with them....
Few...any other thing I should know of?....
Mmm... no.... nothing for now..
Fine then ....I said with a smile...
Were the hell is my pancakes!...
Here sir...said a drone...
I grabbed one and ate it...
Toasty perfect job B...
Thanks sir...
Were were we then...
Looking over the progect love...
Yea that mess of things...we're were we going to do next...
We had her have a general self existencial drama...
Ugh...he resolved it in less then what 80 100 worlds?...
Why not he is just like you...
Fine...muffin what can we do...
I saw him...
Uhu...I need him to do something fun... something that will take time...and effort....what though...
I opend a rift...this one was towords another dimension....
Yes what do you....uhh...why is the lord of the Macabre dimension looking at us..
No idea lord grand..
Fine ...we're were we....a blade opend...I condemn you traitor to...
The trator was dead....consumed...
By the Gost skull...then the waist vaporized into nothing....
Gulp...well that was a quick sentence...what do you want ...
He asked...
Nod nod nod...
Bring the tribute!...
I opend my maw they threw in the package ...
Thanks....here is the bribe...
I said and dropped a orb of pure dread energy...witch he happely colected...
Good trade ....he nodded...
Returning I brought out some of the chocolate from the messager skull of the holding...
Ok we're was I... Yes here scream...
I said scream....
But why...
Becouse I said so...
the Dreamur continued....with more force...
Hehehe...that was fun....
Ooo...main body is going to start a stream soon...well for me is soon...for you will take feew days ...hehe...Hades will go live soon...
Hehe...love you're original wi go live soon...
Yes but on what game...
Last of us ...the first part I think...
Shiver...why...it's not his stile..
It's due to his brother he wants to do it becouse his brother gifted that game...simple as that...
No other motives?...
Why are we announcing it here..
Becouse nobody will have wread this far...hehe ..it's just us ranting...meta talking and all...
Just words to fill a black page ...
Right love....
A world hindjing on one beings continuous existence....I wander were one starts and the other ended....a parasymbiotic universe ...when he will die ...our world will not follow as it's here written and kept safe...
Yes....words are flowing hehe...why the monologue with two being...
Huff...exhale softly....
Who deserves death don't deserve many things...eh...hehe...
Eye contracting.... breathing ....all subconsciously controled unless theyr not...
Love why are we here....
To exist ..were here to just be ..and that's enough of a existence to have each other you did your best to save them ..fix theyr realities and you grew up ..you learned...the sole infallible Truth.....it matterd in the moment it matter right now ..and in the future...you can realize how innocent you were....Tring your best isn't a sin...
Hug ..
As we're here...we love you ...you're appreciated and valued you're not important but you're loved...that's all that matters...
Hehe...yes...this is worth much more...then what I can give it value for....redy ...
Yes let's look back in the fish bowl they are starting some new adventures....
Wold you want to visit them...
Maybe another time.....love...for now tug the strings to straighten them ....il help with theyr stability....
This one it's growing rapidly.....
Yes the meca shogoth is developing well we shuld pluck em out and send them back to the hole parasitic verse...
Can be done...but don't tuch it... we don't need to have it copy our fucked up abilities...
So how fucked up are they ...
Our abilitie....let's cal it on the scale of slaneah...being normal cola ...alanehs light being syms4 and we are Slanesh Hardcore then yes we're truly the most macabre lord's of the Macabre sector...
Don't threght me with a good time...love...
Why wold I.... You know best how we can get.... hehe..
That's right love...