Like a watermelon.

The tour around the Four Maples City is finally over.

In the span of an hour Cao Shen talked like a buzzing fly to Long Ling'er while the big breasted loli is just happily clinging to her beloved eldest brother without bothering about Cao Shen's question. Cao Shen is looking like a trying hard simp that wants to be noticed by the woman he likes.

Long Ao Tian was amazed by the patience that Cao Shen was shown, he was convinced that if Cao Shen is living in 20th century he will be doing great as sales agent.

Tonight is the time where Long Ling'er and the two annoying flies going back to the Green Cloud Sect.

Long Ao Tian slipped outside after Long Ling'er already resting in their own room and the other two came back to their own hotel.

"Luckily the two didn't have to stay in one of our guest rooms or else it would be tricky to deal with them." Long Ao Tian was now wearing a black robe and a monkey mask, he was sitting on a thick branch of a tree 200 meters away from the Hotel where the two annoying disciples were staying at.

A beautiful woman holding a crimson colored jade box suddenly appeared beside Long Ao Tian.

"Little Meng open the box now." Long Ao Tian glanced at Tang Xiao Meng.

Tang Xiao Meng replied with a nod then she opened the box where the Dao Crystal that materialized from Dao of Slaughter is placed. The intense suffocating bloodlust covered the Four Maples City and other Cities nearby the it. All of the experts of the Kingdom, Medium and Small sect were alerted once again.

"This is the second time today!"

"Such intense bloodlust!"

"An evil cultivator that cultivating Dao of slaughter!"

All of a sudden the bloodlust disappeared.

"Your majesty! This thing isn't simple! Please mobilize some experts to find the reason about this phenomenon." An old man wearing luxurious looking robes said to the middle-aged man that sitting on the golden throne.

"An expert of an evil sect is running around to harm my subject do you think that I will just sit here and do nothing? Advisor Li call General Duan Hu." The man whose sitting on the throne is the ruling Emperor of the Jiang Dynasty of the North, Jiang Bei Xun.

Soon a burly man wearing a black armor with tiger head design on its chest entered the throne room.

The burly man kneeled and reported.

"General Duan Hu, I would like you to mobilize our troops to investigate the alarming bloodlust appeared twice this day, seems like an expert of an evil sect entered our territory." Jian Bei Xun's grave tone made General Duan Hu's eyes narrowed.

"Your Majesty this subordinate will do it immediately." Duan Hu's manly voice reverberated the whole room.

Jiang Bei Xun nodded at him and said. "You can go now."




Cao Shen and Wang Er Gou were startled because of the unnatural phenomenon happened again.

"What's going on in this City?" Wang Er Gou muttered.

"It's not just this City, based on what I heard earlier from the gossipy mortals even the other cities are affected by this bloodlust. There must be an evil cultivator expert lurking in one of the cities of Jiang Dynasty." Cao Shen eyes landed outside the opened window.

All of a sudden, an extremely fast black blur entered from the window. They saw a masked man clad in black and holding a weird shaped wooden rod.

Cao Shen was alerted and summoned his sword from his storage ring.

"Who ar-" Cao Shen was about to ask something but a rapid strike from the suspicious man's wooden rod smacked his head.

Shattered brains, skull and other matters inside the head of Cao Shen splattered on the walls and floor of the room.

Long Ao Tian used the first stance of Thousand Ways of Beating Dogs staff skill, Silencing the barking dog. It was a rapid sweeping attack that focused on hitting the jaw of the enemy but because of the immense force contained by the strike their head also explodes.

Wang Er Gou was stuppified, he cant move his body after he saw how Cao Shen's head exploded like a watermelon.

Long Ao Tian didn't stop after killing Cao Shen, he quickly dashed towards Wang Er Gou and did the same move to the bootlicker.

"Join your master and bootlick his ass in hell." Long Ao Tian coldly said then Wang Er Gou's eyes widened, he recognized that annoying voice!

"You! Lo-" Before Wang Er Gou finished his sentence his head exploded like what happened to Cao Shen earlier.

"Finally no more flies, that's what you get on trying to put a green hat on my head." Long Ao Tian stored their storage rings inside his system inventory.


[Hidden quest completed.]

[Mission : The way of an Alpha.]

[Description : Prevent yourself from becoming a cuck and decisively get rid of the bastard who wants to make you a clown.]

[Rewards: Title: Alpha and 2000Qi Cultivation base.]

[Congratulations on breaking through to 2nd level of Foundation Establishment stage!]

[Name: Long Ao Tian

Title: Alpha(Effects: Increased masculinity aura, beta boys will feel intimidated and submissive towards you. Females' first impression to you is always positive and they are more easier to be attracted by your manly charms.)

Age: 18

Cultivation stage (?):

2nd level of Foundation Establishment stage.

Cultivation Technique(?):

Middle level Earth grade - Black Tiger Body Technique.


Supreme grade Heaven tier Staff skill Thousand Ways of Beating Dogs.

Qi Cultivation base: 3176.8/3,999


100,000,000 Spirit Stones.

14043 Taels of Gold.

3167 Taels of silver.

2 copper coins. ]

"I actually triggered a hidden mission? Awesome! I became a 2nd level of Foundation Establishment stage in a day, tsk tsk to think that cultivation is so simple." Long Ao Tian joked to himself then he noticed another (?) sign appeared.

'Let me escape from this scene first.' Long Ao Tian hurriedly left and went back to the place where Tang Xiao Mei was waiting.

"Master's strike is truly incredible and decisive, by the way master what did they do to make you so angry?" Tang Xiao Meng who patiently waiting on the top of the branch of the tree smiled at Long Ao Tian, she was watching from afar using her enhanced vision after entering Golden Core stage.

"The guy with blonde hair is trying to put a green hat on my head so I taught him the consequence of his actions." Long Ao Tian nonchalantly replied. Tang Xiao Meng felt that her master was so manly while saying those words.

"Master... What if someone covets Little Meng and steal Little Meng from you?" Tang Xiao Meng starts to fidget like a teen aged lady trying to know if her crush also have a crush on her.

"Little Meng is considered to be my woman and property anyone who touches her will taste the wrath of my rod!" Long Ao Tian proudly said then he realized that some things on his words seems wrong.

"I'm happy that you considers me as your woman master." Tang Xiao Meng starts to blush.

'Sigh I wonder if she can say that if ever her mind controlled state is removed, that time I would be a deadman for sure.' Long Ao Tian was looking at the acting cute lady that is over a hundred years old then he just continued to undress himself and changed his outfit.

'Even if the woman is a million year old grandma as long as she is beautiful, sexy and hve a great traits I will happily become her man. Well with my system's missions and other functions of it that I would discover in the future, that case may happen.' Long Ao Tian shamelessly thought.

Gazing at the well sculpted sexy body of Long Ao Tian, Tang Xiao Meng can't help but to secretly gulp her saliva.

She was teased earlier inside her office in Nine Herbs' Pill Hall and remembered their steamy contact in the brothel this morning she felt that her body became hot.

"Master, have you tried to do it outside?" A sudden question from the blushing Tang Xiao Meng startled the serious looking Long Ao Tian.

"No, don't tell me you want to experience doing it?" Long Ao Tian naturally know her the meaning of her question by looking her blushing face and erotic stare to his body.

'Don't tell me the effect of the title that I just got earlier is affecting Little Meng?'

"Master you teased Little Meng earlier and now you shown your naked upper body to me... Little Meng wants to do it with you." Tang Xiao Meng adverted her gaze to the ground then she covered her face with her hands.

"Heh? Aren't you afraid that someone might caught us doing such an indecent thing? Like a pair of wild beast copulating in the wilds." Long Ao Tian smiled and teased the lady.