Grinding in the forest.

"Master I can set up a formation that can act as camouflage on us, should I set it up?" Tang Xiao Meng embarrassingly smiled at her master while waiting for his judgement.

"Hehe my Little Meng really wants to do it." Long Ao Tian shook his head then continued his words. "Since, I'm a good master that treasures his subordinates I will naturally grant my subordinate's wish as long as my hands can reach it."

Tang Xiao Meng's eyes lit up then she hurriedly find a suitable location to set up a 5 star grade stealth formation that only a 5 star formation masters can only detect.

Formation flags and materials are laid on the areas that they should be, the spirit qi briefly gathered in the area then it was covered by a dome like glass barrier.

"Master the stealth formation is finished." Tang Xiao Meng Happily said while blushing.

"What are the effects of this formation?" Long Ao Tian's gaze curiously landed on the flags around the area they where in.

"Other won't see and hear us inside this formation unless if they entered the 3 meter radius around us with my approval." Tang Xiao Meng summoned a thick fluffy blanket made from hi quality fur of magical beast then she started to undress her robe and dress.

"You are prepared Little Meng, are you expecting this to happen?" Long Ao Tian teased then he went beside Tang Xiao Meng and also helped her to remove all of the things covering her beautiful alluring body.

"Master it's just a coincidence that I had this blanket." Tang Xiao Meng's erotic sounding voice tickled the ears of Long Ao Tian.

Soon all of the clothes of Long Ao Tian and Tang Xiao Meng were on the top of thick blanket that placed on the gassy ground.

Long Ao Tian was laying on the thick blanket while Tang Xiao Meng skillfully using her mouth to please him.

The head of Tang Xiao Meng is going up and down as Long Ao Tian enhanced dick was sliding inside of her warm and slimy mouth because of saliva.

Long Ao Tian can feel the heavenly sensation everytime Tang Xiao Meng sucking the whole erected meat rod of Long Ao Tian.

'Damn, my little Meng is really good at giving this kind of service.' Long Ao Tian closed his eyes while both of his hands are on the back of his head.

Tang Xiao Meng stopped the deepthroat and slightly coughed then she gracefully wiped the excess saliva on her mouth.

"Master your weapon really amazed little Meng it became bigger than what I remembered." Tang Xiao Meng stared at Long Ao Tian's dick like it was the most precious treasure that she owns.

"It must be because of your special massage that's why this part of mine became bigger." Long Ao Tian opened his eyes and he gazed at Tang Xiao Meng's erotic looking position.

"Master I will now use my lower mouth to massage your dick." Tang Xiao Meng adjusted her position and mounted Long Ao Tian.

Long Ao Tian's dick is proudly pointing at the beautiful looking matured pussy of Tang Xiao Meng.

The head of the erected dick kissed the wet entrance of the warm cave.

Long Ao Tian noticed something, his daoist constitution is reacting again.

The yin qi and remnant yin essence from Tang Xiao Meng's love fluids are being greedily sucked up by his body.

'I can feel my cultivation is rapidly increasing! What's happening?!' Long Ao Tian's eyes widened because of the speed of his cultivation, unlike when he absorbed the yin qi and bit of yin essence of Long Ling'er. If Long Ling'er is a sports car, Tang Xiao Meng is a freaking Jet!

'Does the cultivation stage of my partner affects the amount of cultivation base I can get? If that's the case... hehehe.'

Tang Xiao Meng didn't noticed her master's brief change of reaction, she was too focused on looking at her pussy swallowing Long Ao Tian's upgraded dick. All of a sudden Tang Xiao Meng remembered something.

"Master would you like to ingest a Spirit blood pill?"

"No, let's try how long I will last with the current me." Long Ao Tian really wants to test his manly capabilities right now.

Tang Xiao Meng nodded and moved her hips down. Long Ao Tian's dick slowly entered Tang Xiao Meng's precious cave.

"Ahhnn... The girth is so big it makes me stretch so wide." Tang Xiao Meng sexily moaned when the mighty erected dick of Long Ao Tian fully occupied all of the spaces of her insides untill the head of the dick is kissing the entrance of her womb.

"Your insides is so tight little Meng, It feels amazing." Long Ao Tian closed his eyes and feeling the soft, warm and wet sensation that wrapping up his whole dick.

'What?! My cultivation speed is getting faster and faster!'

"Little Meng let's stay like this for a while!" Long Ao Tian's daoist constitution was like a black hole that greedily sucking all of the remnant yin essence and yin qi inside Tang Xiao Meng's pussy.

"Master?" Tang Xiao Meng stopped, she can also feel something different. "Master is sucking up my natural yin qi! Is he dual cultivating?! No It's impossible male dual cultivators can only cultivate the virgin's yin essence not the natural yin qi of the females. What's going on?"

Long Ao Tian opened his eyes and moved his hips.

"Make me feel good little Meng."

Tang Xiao Meng obediently bounced on the top of Long Ao Tian like a cowgirl that riding an angry bull.

*Sloppy sounds.*

"Ahn! Master!"

The scene continued for 5 minutes then a sound rang inside Long Ao Tian's head.


[Congratulations on breaking through to 3rd level of Foundation Establishment stage!]

'So Fast!! I just broke through earlier to the 2nd level and now 3rd level of Foundation Establishment stage! Dang my first day in this world hasn't ended yet I jumped to this cultivation stage already? What's next? I will ascend to immortality next month?' Long Ao Tian's thoughts of excitement run inside his head while pounding the beautiful woman that laying on her back.

"Mahh-Master! Your cultivation stage!" Tang Xiao Meng was shocked and amazed at her Master's sudden leap of cultivation stage.

"Don't mind it let's just indulge ourselves in pleasure." Long Ao Tian moved his waist faster and faster!

"But you aahhn! You need to stabilize it first." Tang Xiao Meng was worried that her master's cultivation might be damaged because of not stabilizing it.

"There's no need." Long Ao Tian was not worried about it, with his system he does not have any bottleneck in cultivation and doesn't need to stabilize his power. He already noticed this when he jumped from 1st level of Body Tempering Stage to Peak of Qi Gathering stage.

Tang Xiao Meng was still worried about her master's safety but she chose to believe him and enjoyed every pound her master makes.

10 minutes passed, Long Ao Tian broke through another level by absorbing Tang Xiao Meng's natural Yin qi and remnant essence. The remnant Yin essence are almost depleted Long Ao Tian's cultivation speed became slower but it was still 2 times faster that an average cultivator of the same level and stage.

Long Ao Tian's Pure Yang Heavenly Body of Bliss is still greedily absorbing the two types of Yin inside Tang Xiao Meng's precious part untill the remnant Yin essence was fully depleted.

"Ahn! Master!"

"My Mind is going blank."

*Slapping wet skins.*

"I'm going to cum!"

"Little Meng! Prepare your womb!"



Large amount of seminal fluids fired like a fountain from the raging dick of Long Ao Tian inside the soft, warm and slimy cave made of flesh of Tang Xiao Meng.

Long Ao Tian's hips are slightly twitching as he sprays his semen. He felt awesome like floating in the sky, be reached the nirvana of orgasm after so many minutes passed.

Tang Xiao Meng is also having the same feeling, it was weird she wasn't going quirt her own liquid but she suddenly felt heavenly.

30 seconds before Long Ao Tian's big bang.

"Husband you are so naughty you want us to do it here?" Said the ordinary looking woman to her skinny husband.

"Wife your always milking me please have mercy, look how thin I am right now." The skinny man pleaded, his wife's sex drive is monstrous and he was really afraid if she reached her 40's were women are becoming more active than usual.

"Hmph! Just use anything that can make me feel good." The ordinary looking horny wife of the poor skinny man said with hint of anger in her tone.

"Sigh, okay." The skinny man hugged his wife from behind and placed his hands on her crotch then he gently massaged it.

"That's goo- Khnnnngghhhh!!!!" The woman suddenly moaned and her body starts to violently twitch, her eyed is rolling up and her saliva was flowing on the corners of her mouth.

The skinny man was confused then he starts to panic!

"Wife! What's happening?"


The woman peed on her dress.

"Haa haaa! Husband that was great!" The wife said while panting and erotic looking expression.

"Eh?! Don't tell me the heavens took pity on me and gave me a heavenly technique on satisfying my wife by briefly touching her?" The skinny man cried then he thanked the heavens.