Clues about the daoist constitution.

Tang Xiao Meng was heavily panting and her sweat are running on her porcelain skin.

"Master, should we continue?" Tang Xiao Meng crawled and rested her head on Long Ao Tian's sturdy chest.

They were doing the couple's thing for almost two hours without stopping.

Long Ao Tian reached 5th level of Foundation Establishment stage by absorbing Tang Xiao Meng's natural Yin qi his Daoist constitution, he also depleted Tang Xiao Meng's remnant Yin essence.

"We should stop for now, I need to show up in our dinner tonight since this is the last time I will be having dinner with Ling'er this time because she was going back to her sect and cultivate for five years before coming back again." Long Ao Tian shook his head.

Tang Xiao Meng nodded then she took a basin and a Water summoning talisman paper from her storage ring.

Tang Xiao Meng tossed the Water summoning talisman on the top of the basin and activated it using her spirit sense.

The talisman paper glowed then it became a particles of light then a huge blob of water that floats in the air appeared out of nowhere.

Long Ao Tian was amazed on the process. Tools of cultivators are really fascinating and magical, Long Ao Tian thought.

"You are really prepared Little Meng." Long Ao Tian teased then he lightly slapped Tang Xiao Meng's perky back.

"Master, as I said earlier It was just pure coincidence." Tang Xiao Meng cutely defended herself from her master's teasing then she sat inside the large water basin Long Ao Tian also followed.

Blood Axe Island.

The grand elder of the Blood Axe Sect, Xue Hong was having an annoyed expression in his face while the sect leader, Xue Feng is on the back of his grandfather.

"That damned bastard is provoking us." Xue Hong clenched his fist, his long white hair and beard starts to flutter. Visible crimson colored aura of bloodlust appeared around his body.

Xue Feng whose standing nearby Xue Hong felt suffocated because of pressure that an expert of Soul Transformation stage was emitting.

"Gra-Grandfather your bloodlust." Xue Feng was a 3rd level Nascent Soul stage the pressure that being released by Xue Hong is too strong for his body to handle.

Noticing that Xue Feng was having a hard time, Xue Hong calmed himself.

The pressure around the top of the Blood Mountain Peak suddenly vanished.

"Grandfather since that guys is provoking us let us directly confront him in the northern part of Blue Waves." Xue Feng stabilizing his breathing while suggesting to his grandfather.

"Continue to station our disciples on the east and west, I will personally go to the north to kill that sly bastard." Xue Hong's eyes were filled with killing intent.

"Should I join you to your manhunt grandfather?" Xue Feng asked.

"No, you should stay in our sect to guard. There are many eyes whose coveting our Blood Axe sect." Xue Hong shook his head and floats in the air. Air flight is one of the natural skills of a Soul Transformation expert.

"Okay." Xue Feng nodded then he saw his grandfather vanished in the air.

"Grandfather will personally move, I'm sure that the guy who holds our ancestor's Dao crystal is finished." Xue Feng smiled then he went back to his quarters.

Green Cloud Sect, Rushing Wind peak.

The Rushing Wind peak is where the second elder of the Green Cloud sect, Mo Xian was staying.

Mo Xian is a handsome looking middle-aged man wearing the elder's robe of Green Cloud Sect he was cultivating on his prized prayer mat.

Of all the elders of the Green Cloud Sect, he was a 9th level of Golden core and he was the only one who can equally match the 1st Elder's battle prowess at the same power.


Mo Xian suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head towards where the cracking sound came from.

His eyes landed on a broken crystal bead.

Mo Xian's eye's widened and he gritted his teeth.

"Shen'er." Mo Xian muttered then his hands were uncontrollably shaking.

The crystal bead was Cao Shen's Life Indicating Bead, it will only be broken if Cao Shen's life was taken away, if he died in natural way the light inside the Life indicating bead will just disappear.

"Who dare's to kill my, Mo Xian's son!!" Mo Xian was raging his aura was wreaking havoc inside the room.

Cao Shen was his only son, 20 years ago he met a beautiful lady to be precise a woman from Cao Family.

She is the wife of the current Patriarch of the Cao Family, her name was Li Wu Xue. Mo Xian knows that his feelings is not appropriate to have inside his heart but he cant controll it.

One day the Cao clan patriarch invited him to their humble clan to make their relationship better with the Green Cloud Sect. The Cao Clan also holds a power in the Jiang Dynasty of the North as one of the 12 noble clans.

That night Mo Xian didn't controlled himself and did something to Li Wu Xue. Li Wu Xue submitted to him and gave her best to pleasure Mo Xian under the light of the bright moon.

Their relationship secretly continued untill now without knowing by the Cao clan's patriarch.

A year later Cao Shen was born, Cao Shen have a golden hair and have the same eyes like him so he was sure that the kid is his own.

The Cao clan's patriarch didn't doubt anything since some of his relatives also have that kind of color of hair and treated Cao Shen as his own son.

Mo Xian calmed himself and went down the Rushing Wind peak and rushed to the disciples whose in charge for the records where the disciples stated their location and purpose of going out.

The stationed disciples hurriedly greeted the elder who just arrived.

"Greetings Elder Mo." The disciples cupped their fists to show respect.

Mo Xian nodded with grave expression on his face.

"Show me the records."

The disciples nodded and one of them took the ledger and passed to Mo Xian.

Mo Xian briefly found his son's name on the list, and the location is the Four Maples City then he summoned his flying steed, the Golden Winged Eagle.

He rode the Golden Winged Eagle and rushed towards the direction of Four Maples City.

Long Ao Tian was now eating dinner with his family, he didn't forget to ingest a 3 star grade Stage Suppressing Pill that he asked to Tang Xiao Meng because the 2 star grade can't suppress his level anymore.

The Family of four were talking like the other ordinary family around the table.

Long Ling'er enthusiastically told them about the things happened on her 1 year stay in the Green Cloud Sect.

Long Da Dong frequently praised his daughter and Shi Rou Xue was smiling while listening to her daughter's story.

Long Ao Tian learned some details about the sect then he glanced at Shi Rou Xue then his father.

'Maybe it's better that father doesn't know about it, I don't want to spoil the old man's happiness with the current situation. If he knows that Ling'er, his genius daughter that he's proud of is not his own blood and flesh Old man might commit suicide of die because of excessive blood loss by puking.' Long Ao Tian thought.

Shi Ruo Xue noticed the weird glance of Long Ao Tian to her but she didn't bother and continued to eat and listen to her daughter's stories.

The dinner ended after they filled their stomachs, Long Ao Tian stood up and was about to leave.

"Tian'er come to the patriarch's room again." Long Da Dong said.

"Yes father." Long Ao Tian politely replied and went to Long Da Dong's room.

The father and son duo was sitting on their own seats inside.

"So what is this all about father?" Long Ao Tian asked with his trademark bored expression all over his face.

"It's about your daoist constitution." Long Da Dong passed an ancient looking book to Long Ao Tian.

"The Emperor's Journey?" Long Ao Tian read the writings on the cover of the tattered book.

"This book is one of the collections of my late grandfather, this mentioned a Daoist constitution that makes the owner of it handsome like an immortal descended from the heavens." Long Da Dong caressed his beard.

"Thanks Father, I will now read this in my room." Long Ao Tian stood up and hurriedly left Long Da Dong along in his office.

"Seems like that brat changed and he really focused himself on cultivating, I wish he can achieve something in terms of cultivation. Even if he only reached Foundation Establishment in his lifetime I will still support him on his journey." Long Da Dong nodded then he smiled at the closed door.

Long Da Dong stood up and looked up to the painting that hanged on the wall.

There was a beautiful looking woman in her 20's that smiling her smile was like a delicate flower that everyone wants to protect.

"Lan Yu please guide our naughty child." Long Da Dong muttered then he sighed.