Your Name


Laurie stood at the curb under the white light of the street light. She crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to keep them away from smacking Hideaki's head. 

Her thought was still on the man that paid for her onigiri and Hideaki won't shut up from yapping. 

She raked her fingers over her hair, and faced Hideaki, "You know what, you are worse than a nagging bitch!" she snapped. "Why won't you leave me alone, huh?" 

Hideaki was caught off guard with her outburst. He opened and closed his mouth, like a fish out of water. Yet, no words came out of his gaping mouth. 

"I don't understand your obsession with me. I mean, yeah, before I somehow get that you like me and --" she sighed. "You told me so many times that you like me, and I replied to them in the most polite way that I could ever think of for a 'no' but it seemed like you refused to accept the fact that, I.DO. NOT.LIKE.YOU!"