You're Such A Good Girl



She mumbled the man's name as she tried to hear how his name sounded when it rolled in her tongue as she spoke it out loud. 

"Yup, that's my name." He chuckled. 

Laurie blushed, thinking this man must have thought that she's such a weirdo trying to sound out his name. 

"You are here to party or something?" He asked, rolling his hand in the air as if gesturing, partying in this place. 

"You paid for my onigiri. I'm too broke to buy myself a drink here." 

"You could just say that you want me to buy you a drink," he smirked. 

Laurie rolled her tongue inside her cheek. She scoffed, thinking how this man can be so freaking annoying and so -- hot at the same time. 

She glanced at the guy and she could clearly see him, taunting her from that sexy smirk of his. Not to include that every time he laughed, the corner of his eyes would crinkle in mischief.