After Sex

[This chapter is dedicated to _ryu23 for being the top 1 fan of this story and for supporting all of my other stories. In case you haven't noticed, I named one of the characters in this story after you.] 


"What do you need me here for?" 

"Wingman." She smiled, crossing her legs and exposing a lot of skin in the process with the mini-skirt she was wearing hiked up her thighs. 

He scoffed, "With what you are wearing, you don't need a wingman, sweetheart. You can take home anyone you fancy tonight." 

"Thanks for the boost of confidence, but we aren't here to take someone home. We are just here to have someone — walk closer." she giggled. 

They are in one of Ryu's clubs in Roppongi, and Cinco is opening tonight's show.

Ryu made it happen, just like what she asked. 

She scanned the thick crowd and knew that the night would be a full-packed night, even though it was Tuesday.