Stirring More Trouble


"Own you?" He scoffed in incredulity. "To have someone to own you was the end of the world. You are too — complicated, to be owned." 

The room went silent after what Andrei said. Laurie has nothing to say to dispute what her friend said. Even though a part of her wanted to disagree, she knew that her track records won't back her up. 

She has always been a complicated one. Her own mother told her she was difficult to love. Her exes told her she was just too perfect. 

In the end, she has no idea what to do with people's opinions of her. That's why she kept her mouth shut and let Andrei get away with his. 

What's the use of explaining herself when they already have a solid belief of what kind of person she is. Explaining herself would just be a waste of time. 

She took the route of explaining with her mother but nothing came out of it. They still end up screaming to each other, hurling words they both don't mean.