Stranger Things


"I like moving around. So, tomorrow Haru and I are flying to Korea." 

Mei Mei's jaw dropped in shock and Laurie was confused with the disappointment and hurt in Mei Mei's eyes. 

"How long would you stay in Korea?" Mei Mei asked after being quiet for a few minutes. 

Laurie glanced at Haru who shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. 

"Uhm, we don't know but I'll let you know once I'm back in the country." 

After that, the meal became awkward for the three of them. She and Haru couldn't casually talk because Mei Mei had a dejected expression on her face, which Laurie found totally uncalled for. Mei Mei doesn't have any reason to feel so bad about her flying to Korea. When she came to Japan, she didn't tell her that she was in for a long stay.