The Ultimatum


Mei Mei just pursed her lips and rolled her eyes at Laurie. 

Haru kicked her legs under the table for her eyebrows were knitted so tightly with how Mei Mei was acting. 

Mei Mei probably realized that she was already in a bad mood, so she suddenly changed the topic. 

"There are a lot of Korean products that I like that's difficult to get here, can you buy them for me?" 

She nodded because she no longer trusts her voice. She was already in the mood to start an argument for anything just to release the annoyance in her chest. 

Haru noticed it. That's why she kicked her legs under the table to stop her from opening her mouth. Her words when she's angry can be harshed. Haru knew that from past experience. 

She heaved a deep sigh, trying to steady her breathing, and gazed at Haru, giving her a thankful look.