What's On My Mind?


She gasped at the familiarity of his touch and scent when his lips touched hers. It's like coming home after a long day out. It was as if her mind went blank and she just melts.

Jiro held the back of her neck as he tilted his face to deepen their kiss. She heard a phone ringing softly somewhere but she didn't care, she twisted her body to face Jiro from her seat, hooked her arm over his neck, and kissed him back. 

She was kissing him when he pulled back. Laurie blinked her eyes, confused. He saw Jiro's face marred with irritation, he pulled his phone and answered his caller with gritted teeth. His hand was still at the back of her neck, and when he saw the confusion on her face, he mouthed, "I'm sorry." 

She gave him a small smile before she shifted on her chair to sit properly. She was picking her now lukewarm coffee when she felt Jiro's lips on her temple. He still has his phone pressed on his ears.