Paint For Me


"You will make one for me?" He grabbed her shoulder as though he couldn't believe what she said. His eyes were twinkling with excitement. "Can I choose what I want, please?" He gave her a begging look.  Which was unnecessary, to be honest. Watching him being so excited was enough for Laurie to say yes to his request. 

Of course, she didn't tell him that, there is no way she could say no to his soft brown eyes. She just nodded at his request. She doesn't want to let him know that she was also eager with the idea of painting something for him. 

She was thinking that she could do something for him before she left. He doesn't have to know but she wanted to leave something behind for him. As a parting gift...a memento. 

"So, what do you want me to paint for you? I still have free time." She watched his face as he put his index finger under his chin, thinking.