Unexpected Meeting


She entered the side gate of the building that led to the small garden of the apartment. The house was very quiet. She remained standing in the middle of the living room as she scanned the whole room. 

She felt like she was gone for a long time from this apartment but now that she's here, the place looked exactly as she remembered when she left that she felt she didn't leave at all. Which was strange. 

She walked to the foot of the stairs and called Bella's name and didn't hear any reply. She wanted to check the second floor but she felt like she was invading private space since she no longer lived in the house. 

She checked her phone if Bella sent another message and saw none. She knew she's coming and would not leave the house without telling her. As she walked back to the living room, the tatami room caught her eyes. She hurriedly walked to it and took a peek inside for it happened that the door was ajar.