

When their desires ebbed like the tide pulled away by the moon. Laurie laid her cheek on Jiro's sweaty chest as silence blanketed the room. They were quiet for a long time except for their soft uneven breathing as they savored the aftermath of their lovemaking. 

Laurie was quiet because she was lost for words. She did not expect them to end up in his bed when he told her they were going to go home. And she never thought that when he said home it would be his parent's house and they would be inside his high school bedroom. 

She shifted her weight to her right side when Jiro moved the arm that she was using as her pillow. She lifted her head and faced him, 'what are we doing?' Her question was stuck inside her head for the moment their eyes met, with Jiro's soft gaze she lost the courage to ask. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked. 

She dropped her head back to his arm. "Not really." 

"Do you want to go back to my place?"