

"Take your seat." He said, putting a plate of curry rice on the chair opposite to his. "This is my younger brother, Jun." 

"Hey, nee-san, the curry is ready." He said as he shoved a spoonful of curry inside his mouth. 

"My name is Laurie." She pulled the chair across Jiro and sat down. 

While he grinned and winked, he didn't acknowledge what she said about her name. She doesn't want him to call her nee-san. She's not his older sister. Although, she was a bit flattered that he considered her as his older sister. 

As she sat down on her chair, she stared at the curry that was on her plate. 

"Sorry, it's just instant. I'll cook you better curry next time." 

Jun snickered next to his brother with what he said, which Jiro replied by hitting the back of his head. Instead of stopping, Jun roared in laughter with the reaction he got from his older brother.