Nobody Likes It


Laurie makes herself another cup of coffee. However, she wishes she had some alcohol instead. Jiro and Rina went upstairs to Jiro's bedroom to talk and she was left in the kitchen. That's why she decided to make a cup of coffee because she has nothing to do while she waits for Jiro to finish his talk to Rina.

From what she heard, Rina was waiting at Jiro's apartment and when he didn't go home, she came to check if he's here. Now the question of why Jiro took her here at his parent's house was answered. He was avoiding Rina. He knew that she would be waiting at his place, thus, he chose not to go home. 

She felt her heart constricted inside her chest. There is no reason to feel hurt for she knew that it's going to happen. What she didn't expect was for Jiro to know that she's going to camp outside of his apartment, waiting for him. She wondered if this kind of situation wasn't the first one for he already anticipated that it's going to happen.