Lies And More Lies


Laurie sighed with satisfaction as she surveyed her work. It has been tedious work but now that is over, she never felt so satisfied finishing something. She chuckled lightly to herself, in the beginning, she decided to start painting again as a whim and as an excuse to leave the Nakamura's household without her mother claiming she had manners. 

She was able to leave Nakamura's household without a hitch, thanks to Haru's help. But thinking about it now, it's funny to know that the apartment Haru lent her was not really used since she spent a lot of time here at Jiro's place. Since she came back from Korea there are less than five instances that she was at her place. 

She is always here, painting, eating...sleeping with Jiro. She bit her lower lip, since they slept together, the next just happened as if they are the most normal thing to happen between the two of them.