Leaving With A Broken Heart


Laurie didn't know how long she cried. When she woke up the room was so cold, her teeth were chattering. It was a surprise that she was able to sleep for six hours! She slowly rolled off the bed—she dropped on the floor with a thud. 

She has difficulty opening her eyes from crying too much. She pushed herself up and cursed under her breath. "It's never fun to cry yourself to sleep. You should have learned that by now." 

She talked to herself aloud as she got up from the floor. She headed straight to the bathroom because she got to pee. After doing her business, she grabbed the robe that became 'hers' technically because it was something that she always uses. Same with towels and home slippers. She became too constant present in this house that she got designated stuff of her own even when technically, she doesn't live here.